My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It's a Celebration!

Its hard to believe that Rhett & I officially have a ONE year old. Our sweet little 21", 6 lb 15 oz Lainey Nicole entered our lives at 12:29 am one year ago today. What an awesome day that was! Watching her grow and change has been such a joy. Sometimes I find it hard to remember the days before she was so active. Now she practically runs everywhere she goes. Good thing we videotaped the early days of sitting still. We celebrated Sunday with her party and it was wonderful. Family & friends helped us enjoy the beautiful day. Had I known months ago what great weather it would be....we could've had it outside at our house. The cake eating was quite entertaining but I think she ate more icing than actual cake. I had given her a fake present days before to unwrap for practice and she managed to use her teeth to rip most of the paper off. She honestly probably opened a total of two presents at the party. Extremely interested in the leaves from Uncle Jeremy & Aunt Tracey's gift and loved the shopping cart from Uncle Andrew & Aunt Rabecca. She also managed to get some dance time in to the gummy bear song while I finished opening her gifts. Maybe at Christmas she will be more interested.

Monday we had Lainey's one year pictures at Creative Bent. I am sooo excited and can not wait to view them. November 10th is way too far away. First we did family pics which at moments she wasn't very thrilled about. Sitting still and not getting to chase the cat are not high on a one year olds priorities. Rhett went back to work after family was done and we headed inside for a change of scenery. Little ms serious face was posing it up on the chair she sat on but no smiles. Outfit #3 was with a basket and balloons back outside. These are seriously what I'm most excited about. After singing "Happy and you know it" many many times we got some awesome smiles. Next was a few shots with pumpkins and the cutest little orange sweater dress I've ever seen. Last but not least the cake smash pictures!! The set-up was absolutely adorable complete with a grey background, balloons, tissue puff balls, and a ladybug cake. I can't wipe the smile off my face just thinking about how cute they are going to turn out. Anna never dissapoints and I just can't wait to share with everyone.

Birthday Girl Stats
30" tall
18 lbs 8 oz
Loves: remote controls, rocks, her doggies Ammo & Drake, removing items from trash cans, being outside, running naked after bath time, snuggling, music, books, pink monkey, fruit, chicken, and balls
Has 4 teeth (2 on top & 2 on bottom)
Recently discovered: how to turn the water on while taking a bath, how to remove diaper (velcro ones she could get long time ago but now can remove snapped ones)
Can say: Mom, Da Da, Uh Oh, Baaaa, Moooo, No, Yummy

Extremely active, loving, and always entertaining

For 365 days I have breastfed her, for 52 weeks I have journaled about her, every moment significant or small has been well documented on camera, and for every second we have loved her with all our hearts. Here's to YEAR ONE and many many more. Mommy & Daddy love you sweet Lainey.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Shall we dance???


Wow 2 months have gone by since I last posted anything I don't really even know where to start. My little peach just turned 11 months old. She is keeping us busy as ever. August was a fun month celebrating my birthday. Officially in my last year of the twenties....I seriously feel old now. Just going to do a little recap through August & September to catch up.

Places we visited
Shoguns for Mommy's birthday
Sam's Club
Monkey Joe's for Claire & Cletus Birthday
4H appreciation dinner for buyers @ Waterloo Fair
Steak & Shake lunch Date with Gma & Aunt Nancy
Jefferson Barracks cemetery see Great Grandpa Shinabargar's grave
Musket's football games to cheer on Grandpa & his team
Toys R Us
Phoenix, Arizona
Giant City Lodge Simpson S Corp Meeting
John A Logan College for Hunting & Fishing Days
Several play dates with other babies
Aunt Jaimee's field hockey game
New Discoveries
Water faucet when taking baths-loves drinking bath water too
Sidewalk around our landscaping-totally obsessed with being outside
How to feed dogs from high chair-Ammo & Drake love this
How to remove Velcro diapers-this is super bad for Mom!!!
Can get down off couch all by herself
Walk up stairs (holding Mommy's hand of course)
Waving bye bye which is sooo incredibly adorable
Bending over to get something off ground without falling over
New words "UH OH"   "BAAAA" when referring to sheep in book & lots of jibberish that we just don't understand but love listening it

Reading back through my journaling for 2 months worth it really seems like an eternity ago that some of this stuff happened. Currently Ms. Lainey weighs a whopping 18 lbs 12 oz and measuring 30". That means she has grown 9" since birth holy smokes. I recently seen a hint of  a curl when her hair got sweaty so I hope that means she is getting my hair. She is obsessed with being outside, the gummy bear song, rocks of any kind, her two farm books, & dancing. Her dancing has definitely evolved lately. She has gone from the single arm windshield wiper to now shuffling her feet & twisting her body back and forth. Has 3 teeth and so close to getting a 4th. She is still as sweet, cute, and active as ever. Never ever a dull moment with this one. Next time I will fill ya in on our trip to Phoenix.

 watching gummy bears!!