My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hello 3rd Trimester!

Belly Weeks 28 & 29
Officially in the 3rd trimester now!!!!!! Holy crap where in the world did the time go?? It seems like we were just getting back from Hawaii and I took the positive pregnancy tests. I have been working day shift mon-fri the last couple weeks so normal work hours. I do love having the weekends off and my evenings but it takes a bit of time to get in the routine. I'm so used to sleeping until 8/9 am everyday and having Mon & Fri off every week. I am thoroughly exhausted when I get home but then I never just sit and relax. Always something to do! I really should take advantage of the down time now because I know my world will be turned upside down when this little chickie makes her appearance. Week 28 had lots of heartburn. Along with the heartburn I would have coughing fits. While driving home from work at 4 am had to pull over and hack on the side of the road after a whole bunch of coughing. My throat burned so badly from dry heaving. While I was trying to puke something up my nose started bleeding like crazy. I sure am glad it was the time that it was becasue I probably looked like a lunatic! I didn't even have any water in my car but I did have milk that I had just bought from Casey's. Rinsed my mouth out with some moo juice and then headed home. I was extrememly thankful to see my bed and pjs after all that!! Rhett has been working on our landscaping project like crazy. It is almost completely finished and it turned out great. Eventually I will share pictures on facebook. I have been going through the baby clothes I have already and sorting them. I plan to wash all the newborn and 0-3 months for now and wait on the rest till needed. I finally put something in a drawer!! Trying to get closet cleaned out and organized. It is amazing how much crap gets accumulated in such a small space in only 4 years. Week 29 started off a bit scary. I gave Rhett a ride to his Mom & Dad's and then headed to work. I didn't get very far though because I wrecked my car. I was reaching for a napkin from my glove box and in the process took the wheel with me, ran off the road, overcorrected, went back off the road into a field and hit a telephone pole. All I can say is I am counting my blessings because I am perfectly fine and so is baby B. It all happened in an instant and was the most horrifying thing I have ever experienced. The pole hit behind where I was sitting and the ice cream cake in my back seat got the worst of it. I did hit my forehead on my door window and got a bump/bruise. I climbed out and immediately called Rhett & work to let them know I would be late. We couldn't get the drivers door open but he did drive it home while I took the truck back. After getting my bearings straight I headed to work in my denali. I never had any belly pains and felt plenty of movement all day so no concerns with baby. Plus I was at a hospital so I figured if I did start feeling bad it was the best place to be. My forehead was a bit sore so I iced it in between patients. Everyone at work was so wonderful all day. Thank you to all my lovely co-workers you know who you are! Literally 5 minutes before it all happened Rhett commented how that car was going to just blow up one day. It was a 2001 and has been around the block in our family. My dad, sister, & I all have made it well used. I think he jinxed me. I know it could have been a lot worse so I am extremely thankful it turned out the way it did. On to a lighter shower invites were mailed out. They are super cute!! Thank you to my wonderful sister!!
I got on to make some adjustments the other night and noticed a couple items were bought already!! Ahhhh so exciting!!! I have such amazing family & friends.
September will be a busy busy month with the shower, childbirth classes, breastfeeding class, finishing up room decorating. Before I know it Halloween will be here and so will baby!!!!!

My carseat capopy I got!!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Belly Week 27

Belly Week 27
The weeks are just flying by so fast. I had 5 wonderful days off and celebrated my 28th birthday. I honestly can't even remember everything I did since that was well over a week ago. I took my glucose test checking for gestational diabetes and I passed. Yay!!!!!!!! I don't know why I was so nervous I wouldn't pass but for some reason I was. The drs. office had said just to fast for 1 hour prior to the test. After speaking with multiple mothers who have already gone through this they all suggested I fast after midnight and take test in early am. Typically every day when I wake up I'm hungry immediately so I knew the whole not eating was going to suck big time. It worked out to go to Sparta (where I work) drink the nasty stuff and then get some stuff done in my department. I had the fruit punch and thought it tasted like strong cherry medicine. Just thankful it came back normal and I will not be doing the 3 hour test as many people have to. I had my 7th dr's appointment at the O'fallon office. It took quite a bit longer in that office than it ever has in Belleville. I met Dr. Carter and she was very nice. Blood pressure and weight were good. I had gained 20 lbs as of that appointment. In my pregnancy week by week book it says for week 28 normal weight gain is 17-24 lbs. Gaining the weight hasn't bothered me too much. (yet) I am already anticipating the process of losing it all after our little girl arrives. I plan to breastfeed so won't be able to do the 24 day Advocare right away but I am going to do it. After my appointment Rhett & I headed to South County to Babies R Us to register for the baby shower. I was a little unsure how it would all go with him along but overall it was just fine. I'm glad we did it together. Immediately he commented how bored he was and wished he wasn't there. Soon after it started being fun and we were enjoying ourselves. In the end I was exhausted, starving, overwhelmed and ready to get the heck outta that place. I got lots of ideas and suggestions from many mothers. Thank You everyone for that! One thing Rhett suggested while looking at the bigger items (stroller, carseat, high chair) was to get gender neutral. I do believe that was a good idea. On the second go around if we have a boy I don't want pink/purple everything. While filling out the paperwork in the beginning of our trip Rhett was wandering around on his own. Later he told me that he was in the swing section and literally had every single swing wound up & going. Like a kid in a candy store! He purchased a mattress for the crib. I think that was considered my birthday present. lol That and him going along because I know he "really" honestly did not want to go. What a good hubby & daddy already!! I felt like the stoller & carseats were def the most difficult things to choose.I should have done some major research ahead of time. In the last week I have also gone to Wal-Mart and registered there. Sparta had a crap selection of everything but I have been adding items online. I have also done many changes to the babies r us registry online too. Once we were done registering we headed to Shoguns for some yummy sushi & hibachi grill. When they seated us with people we didn't know my first thought was oh man this stinks. Boy was I wrong! We had a fantastic time and everyone was so nice. How boring it would have been sitting by ourselves. Their was no way we could eat everything so we had yummy leftovers. Huge thank you to my wonderful husband for giving me a great (day before my) birthday!! Sunday evening we went out to eat at Lisa's in Rocher with my parents and sister. Thank you for the great meal and all the gifts! (especially those star kisses from DQ) I even got a free piece of blackberry pie.
Notice the trend here everything has to do with FOOD!! Lol
Tuesday my actual birthday was a relaxing day and in the evening we had a small party at Rhett's parents. Margaret and I share the same birthday so I was extremely pleased they were back from out west and got to spend time with her. Thank you to Erin & Meg for new tennis shoes and my coat rack from from my inlaws!! Crazy to think how quickly things change through the years.

26th birthday-got engaged
27th birthday-planning my wedding
28th birthday-preparing for baby girl
Holy moly!!!!

Next year for my 29th I will probably be chasing my kid around like a crazy woman.
I also enjoyed some time with Tess, Claire, Maggie, & Max. They all came over and swam in our lake. Love all these little boogers to pieces. They were all so good and I had such a good time with them!


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Belly Week 26

Belly Week 26
I had my 6th Dr's appointment at the beginning of week 26. Everything went well. Found out that Dr. Hucker has now retired and a large group of physicians are now employed at the office. I still see Sylvia but if any issues arise and a Dr. is needed it will be whoever is on call. Next appt I will meet Dr. Carter. This group also comes to Sparta Women's Health so I know most of them by name. already. I took a big bag of zucchini along with me and gave to the nurses in the office. They were going banana's over them! Ha if they only knew how much zucchini we having coming out of our ears! At the end of the appt Sylvia said will see you in 2 weeks. I think I was in shock! Holy crap it is already time to go to the dr. every 2 weeks instead of just monthly. Time is just flying by so fast. Afterwards I swung by the Bread Co for bagels to take to all my lovely co-workers and to get a yummy breakfast souffle.
Lots of exciting things going on this week. Rhett felt little Belinda move for the very 1st time!!! He didn't say much but smiled real big. I was laying on the couch one day and actually saw my belly move. After placing my hand on my belly could see it moving up and down too. Fun Fun Fun!! On 7-30-13 could feel hiccups going on in my tummy. During the 20 week us scan we saw her have the hiccups but this was first time I have felt it. My amazing Mother ordered the bedding and it arrived. Love it!! The only bummer is the lamp shade has a dent in it. I called BabySuperMall and the woman was extremely nice. I have to take a picture email and a new shade will be sent. Easy enough! Have noticed lately getting heartburn more often. It is not an every day occurrence but more than before.
On Sunday Allie texted and said she was eating at Red Lobster so I got a little jealous. All I could think about was delicious biscuits. When I got home from work Sunday afternoon I suggested we go eat at RL. Even though I had 2 easy days I was drained from getting up so early but it just sounded so good. To my surprise Rhett said ok so we cleaned up and headed to South County. I was extremely hungry by the time we got there. Our waiter was slow as molasses and took what felt like 5 years to bring our biscuits and salads. PREGNANT STARVING LADY HERE!!! Once it came I ate half my salad 2 biscuits and felt sick to my stomach. I'm not sure why but I felt so bloated all of a sudden. Rhett was like what in the world is wrong with you. I unbuttoned my jeans for some relief. I would have to say it helped a little but still felt icky. I picked around at my meal once it came and ate a few pieces of shrimp and one bite of mashed potatoes. The good thing that came from this disaster was yummy leftovers. yay!! I'm so pathetic I didn't even zip or button my pants to walk out to the car. I just pulled my shirt down and held the food/purse in front of my waist. Please tell me I'm not alone here!!! Surely another pregnant woman somewhere has done this before.... Once I relaxed the seat back in the car and laid down I started feeling better. Definitely noticing that smaller meals more often are better for me.
Rhett has been telling me I need to clean my vehicles because they are DIRTY!! Some things I am super crazy about being clean and picked up but the car is not one of them. This past Monday was a nice day out so I decided to tackle the job of cleaning out both the cavalier & denali. I ended up vaccumming & dusting them and boy did they need it. The white car was pretty gross. I don't feel like my belly is extremely big yet but I could really tell it was more difficult cleaning than normal. Just bending over, leaning down, and trying to reach certain areas was exhausting. Glad I got that job done before I get further along. Then I mowed grass for about 2.5 hours. It was like a miracle the grass wasn't too tall or  wet, it wasn't hot outside, and I had brand new blades on the mower. Everything mowed up so nice. It was a little bouncier than normal so I just had to take a few breaks to rest. Then I cleaned up a big pile of tomatoes from our garden. Planning to make salsa but I don' have quite enough yet. Monday was such a productive day! Normally after working all weekend I do nothing on Monday but not this week. It felt really good to get all those things done.

After today I have 5 days off work & now it is August which means my birthday month!! Happy Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just love this!
I Put the Pink in Daddy's World of Camo Baby Girl by CasualTeeCo, $14.00