My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My PRK Journey

In the past few years I had contemplated having lasik eye surgery done. When I went to my regular check up with Dr. Toal in Waterloo I got a brochure. The next time I asked for information again. One evening when randomly discussing it with Rhett he said I think you should just do it. He was saying Go For It!! Have I ever mentioned how much I love my husband...I set up a free consultation with TLC in Chesterfield, Missouri. My appointment was for April 13th. On the phone they mentioned it would be a good idea to only wear my glasses two weeks prior to appt. This would ensure my testing would all be as accurate as possible since contacts can alter things. I typically only would wear my glasses every other weekend when working and some evenings right before bed. I was nervous this would be the worst part of the whole ordeal. Honestly though it wasn't too bad. My Mom drove me to the consult because I absolutely hate driving in St. Louis/interstate. I know I'm a big baby but I'm good with our rural roads. I'm so lucky  that she helps me out with things like this and as a plus she took Lainey to a park during the appt. This is how awesome I looked while shopping at the outlet malls.

I had all kinds of testing done to my eyes. They also dilated my eyes which I had never had done. Don't ever try to go shopping after having it done. Sucks big time. After all the tests Dr. Polk came in to speak with me about the surgery. The first thing he says is you are not a good candidate for lasik because of a thinness in my corneas. PRK is the better option in your case. He showed me the pictures of my corneas. He also said if I were to have LASIK in the long run my eyes could get worse. All I was thinking was what in the world is prk.....My surgery would be similar to lasik but just a longer recovery time.
This is how awesome I looked while shopping at the outlet malls. Never again!!!!
Last Pic in Glasses!!!!!!
Here is best way to explain difference in two types!

The main difference between PRK and LASIK is that in LASIK they make a flap and lift layer of cornea and perform surgery. For PRK they do not make the flap they go straight through outer layer cornea. This is a more traumatizing to the eye hence the longer recovery time. PRK was the original procedure using a laser to fix vision. Since I'm kind of a freak about googling everything I had to look up the stats. The FDA approved PRK in 1995 and lasik in 1999.
My lovely 4th grade picture. Frizzy hair, glasses, and I hit puberty at some point that year. Awesome combo!

 I was given my folder with payment options, eye drop prescriptions, pre op instructions, and set up my appointment for surgery. The BIG day was June 5th!!!! I was allowed to wear my contacts again until one week before surgery. I have had glasses since 3rd grade and contacts since 6th so getting all this set up was so surreal. I had to have 6 days off work and every other weekend I am already off for 4. It was wonderful that I only had to use two vacation days.

The days flew by and before I knew it the big day had arrived. I've only ever had my wisdom teeth out and no broken bones (well maybe a finger) so I was jut a bit nervous about my eyeballs being lasered. My Mom drove me because obviously afterwards I would be in no condition to drive. A young man went through a little pre-op speal with me. I got a surgery hat and took a pill of some sort to help relax me. He said it would basically just make me feel kinda drunk. I was thinking oh dear I haven't honestly drank since before I was pregnant. I work in the medical field and myself being the patient felt so odd. Their was the option for my Mom to watch the procedure on a tv screen but she chose not to. After laying down and surgery started it prob took approx 20 minutes. That's a guess because as I'm writing this 3 months later it is hard to remember every single detail. I don't even know how to describe the whole experience. It was a little scary but so exciting just thinking of the outcome. Once I was finished and sat up I asked will I be able to see immediately? The Dr said you tell me there is a clock to your right. I never would've been able to read it before and sure enough I could see the time. I got some awesome eye shields taped to my face and walked on out to the car. Now the hard part absolutely no cell phone for 24 hours. I could not even text anyone to tell them how it all went. My Mom took a picture, sent a few messages for me, and we were homebound. She planned to keep Lainey the next few night so I could rest and Rhett was busy with work.

My prescription in both eyes was -5.75 before the surgery. I asked what that was in terms of 20/20 lingo and the lady said like 20/800. Saturday 1 day post op I had to return back to TLC early am for follow up appointment. They checked out my eyes and said everything was looking great. I was at 20/80 right eye & 20/50 left eye. Woo hoo!!! The Dr. told me it would take days and possibly weeks to get to my best possible vision. My sister came over during the day and we tackled a fun project of sorting all of Lainey's clothes. It kept us busy since I couldn't really go anywhere and stuck in house all day. I can't just lay in bed all day that would drive me crazy and no tv, computer, or phone still. It was fun looking at all the tiny baby clothes and we would randomly put something on Lainey to see if it still fit. I could see but I definately could tell things were not as clear as should be. I had a schedule of 4 different drops to use multiple times through out day. I know I had an extra one since I work in the medical field. My eyes felt pretty dry so I was using a lot of refresh drops. I've never really had eye dryness so this was a new feeling for me. The only time I had ever slept in my contacts was in h.s ages ago and if I fell asleep napping. Which lets be honest I never nap even if the opportunity presents itself. Sunday morning I woke up and my eyes felt completely different. They were itchy and it felt like sand was in them. Ughhh It sucked big time. I was told this would happen but they said 3 days post op and I was only at day 2. My eyes were healing quicker so that was a good thing. The only time I had relief was sleeping which I wasn't even that tired but kept trying to rest to pass the day. I didn't fill my prescription of course because I figured would not need. Even though I was told this was normal it was still freaking me out a bit so I made a call to the # I was given if any questions arose. The Dr was super nice and he suggested getting the prescription filled bc it would help relieve the pain and discomfort. Rhett was able to run to Waterloo and get that taken care of. On this day the light really affected me so I was wearing sunglasses in the house. That evening we visited Lainey at my Mom & Dad's for a bit because I missed her. My brother was there and he was probably thinking oh man I'm never getting this done from the way I was acting. Monday 3 days post op I woke up and the horrible pain was gone but everything was blurry as all heck. It was so strange having such different symptoms than day before. I had a follow-up appointment in Waterloo with Dr. Toal. (my regular eye Dr.) It was great that I could follow up with him and not have to travel back to St. Louis multiple times. He said everything was healing well. The blurriness was normal because the outer layer of cornea that was lasered through is healing and growing back. My vision was 20/80 Rt eye and 20/200 in left eye. By Tuesday post op day 4 the bluriness was pretty well gone. Wednesday post op day 5 my vison was 20/50 right eye and 20/30 left eye. This was my last follow-up before going back to work. Dr. Toal said I was good to go and would return at 1 month post op. I felt like I could see well but still not 100% and a bit uneasy about driving to work. My mom volunteered to drive me. She is the best. Always there when I need her and willing to help with absolutely anything. I would truly be lost without her. It was fun though because she & Lainey walked me in and then got to see my co-workers for a few minutes. It's always nice when your work friends get to actually see your child rather than just pictures and hear about her. I did have to work that weekend so I drove and it was just fine. For a while I was still putting refresh drops in every morning once I woke up. I am happy to say that now I don't even have to do that. I just wake up (no dryness at all) am able to see the alarm clock and all is well. At my 1 month and 3 month post op appointments my vision was 20/15 in both eyes. It is amazing not having to wear contacts/glasses. If you are considering eye surgery to correct your vision I say go for it and you won't regret it!!! Plus I have been told if you actually have LASIK (not PRK) most people go back to work the next day. No craziness days after like I dealt with.

Glasses Free & Loving It!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Horse Lovin Girl

I just went back and re read my last post about Lainey and her non finger sucking. That really feels like a lifetime ago. Currently the hot topic in our house is horses/apples & she is officially potty trained. Every single day she says neigh, neigh, apples, Annie (Grandpa Simpson's dog). This kid is in love with picking apples and feeding them to the horses. She launches those things like a pro softball player. Rhett said one evening she was talking in her sleep about them. We have been taking family stealth rides in the evening and also visit the cows but now she has little interest in them. As soon as we pulled up one night she immediately says hi moo moos-bye moo moos. Her little heart is set on the horses. It is just the sweetest and a phase that will eventually pass as they always do. For now though it sure is a fun one to enjoy. Recently my Mom, Lainey, and I enjoyed apple picking at Eckart's in Belleville. A hot hot afternoon but we all had fun and then we got to go home and make  Daddy an apple pie! Then we took him a (still warm) piece out to the field while he was combining his corn. It's safe to say that he thought it was awesome.

Speaking of the combine Lainey had her first official ride (outside the womb) in it. While I was pregnant and I mean big pregnant I rode with Rhett to combine beans. I can remember just riding along and talking on the phone to our photographer about maternity pictures. Trying to set up a time that Rhett could make it in between his busy farm schedule. I actually had two sets of maternity pictures taken. I went alone and had some done just in case he couldn't get away. I was scared we would run out of time and then I wouldn't have any. The second time Rhett was able to go and that actually ended up being the day before my contractions started!!!! Ohhh the memories. Back to the combine ride though...little miss was not impressed. I think it scared her more than anything. Maybe a few more trips up/down the field and it will grow on her.

My *almost* 2 year old is now a talking machine. She repeats everything and at moments it's
interesting trying to decipher what she is saying. With the talking has brought opinions &
independence. I tried giving her cheerios in a zip lock bag for in the car and she insisted on a bowl.
(Because duh Mom I always get a bowl at the kitchen counter) When I try to help her on to the toilet in public places she wants to do it herself. She is also very specific about what shoes she wants to wear.  Crocs crocs crocs. Not sure why I have even bought her anything else recently. The funniest one though is yesterday I tried putting jean shorts on her and she kept saying white white. She wanted to wear her white short. Her latest phrase is "I did it." It could seriously not be any cuter. Another really cute word to hear her say is awesome. I love asking her in the morning, "What would you like for breakfast today?" Her response is not always the same but she often says EGGS. Girl loves her eggs. She is a wonderful eater and I am thankful for that. (Not picky like her Momma.) She is getting pretty good at her A,B,C's and it is fun hearing her version of it. One evening while I tried to catch her counting on video she was totally mutilating my rose bush but it was well worth it. I had been trying to tape her to share with some family members but as soon as she noticed me videoing she would stop. Mommy had to be sneaky. Overall I am really enjoying this stage.

Just a few random things!!

One day she wore a pair of 6 month shorts and pair of 3T pants in the same day. Her little skinny butt and long legs make quite a combo when it comes to clothes. This summer Lainey became a seasoned zoo visitor going three times. Once with Grandma Phegley, Aunt Jaimee, & Mommy and then with family from Shinabargar & Phegley sides. Thankful that even while I am at work she gets to go to family functions and have fun days. One day while I was making salsa I needed cornstarch at the very end of recipe to thicken it up. I knew that it had recently been bought. For the life of me I could not find the stinkin cornstarch. I looked and looked like ten times through pantry and lazy susan. I ended up running to my mother in laws to get some. About a week later as I am picking up toys in our dining room I look down at Lainey's shopping cart. Aha!! There sits the cornstarch in plain sight. These little moments just make you laugh and laugh and appreciate having a young child. Such a silly thing but I hope I never forget it. Lainey had her first hair cut with our stylist Patty. Just a trim to the bangs not even hardly enough to save for the baby book. She did so good though and didn't even have to bribe her with anything.

Our Potty Adventures 
(may be tmi for some people)
Last post I mentioned Lainey was showing signs of interest in the potty and I am happy to say she is now diaper free!!!! Woo hoo less laundry for this Momma. It was a happy yet sad day when the diaper pail and tote of cloth diapers got carried downstairs. I also recently took the high chair down too. She is still wearing pull ups at night time for bed but always wakes up dry in morning. Since she sleeps with us haven't been brave enough for undies through the night yet. I'm not planning to buy any more pull ups so after this pack it's game on. She officially went pee on potty for the first time August 1st!! I went crazy and cheered her on. About 3 weeks later she peed 5 times in one day & pooped on potty. That was super exciting too!!! In the beginning she would potty outside in grass. ALOT!!  Perks of living in the country. Rhett about died the first time she popped a squat right next to his deer target. I was clapping like a lunatic. Now the other day at the high school football game when she pulled her britches down and squatted I about died. I tried explaining to her only at home not in public. LOL It has been interesting when we are out and about and she says potty. We hope their is a restroom very close. I may have to put an extra potty chair in the car for emergencies. In the beginning I would reward her with doc mcstuffin band aids but that really only lasted a few days. She would just take them and put on my hand anyways. Grandma bought Lainey a variety of undies but she always wants Anna/Elsa. She is now to the point where she will go in bathroom alone and go without an adult. She was literally pushing me out the one day. Oh boy not even two and she wants her privacy. She also finally conquered the flushing of the handle. She refused to do but recently (as I showered) figured out that flushing the toilet 6 times in a row is fun. She loves cheering herself & others on shouting out "Yay Lainey" "Hooray" "Yay Gina". Yes she calls her MA by her first name sometimes. She also loves to call her daddy by his first name. She had her share of accidents in beginning but for last several weeks has done so well. This is an exciting chapter for our family and we are so excited that Lainey is an undie wearing girl.  

 Ms. Independent dressed herself. 2 swimsuits and a pair of underwear