My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Monday, October 21, 2013


Thoughts & questions of the day....Who will Baby take after Mommy or Daddy???
Stats on our Births
Sara                                                         Rhett
DOB:                                     8-6-85 (Tuesday)                                   10-11-81 (Sunday)
WEIGHT                               8 lbs 9 oz                                                7 lbs 12 oz
LENGTH                               21.5 "                                                      21"
TIME OF BIRTH                   8:53 pm                                                 8:50 pm 
AGE OF MOM                       23                                                         30
PLACE OF BIRTH               St. Charles, MO                                     Red Bud, IL
OVERDUE                            Born 5 days after due date                    Born 6 days after due date
HAIR COLOR                       I was pretty much bald                          medium to dark brown
                                                until I was 2
EYE COLOR                         brown                                                     blue
My due date is on Wednesday October 30, 2013. My guess on weight is mid 8 lbs and on length I'm going with 22". I know this kid has some hair bc I seen it on the us scan and I'm going with ........RED. Bet you didn't think I would say that. I just have a feeling!! Both sides of the fam have the gene so it can happen. Eye color I'm gonna say blue bc majority of the nieces & nephews have the beautiful blue eyes. At my drs. appointment last week when I saw Dr. Covlin he said at next appointment which will be this upcoming Wed (39 weeks) we would discuss induction. Ahhhhhh that really makes everything seem more real. I would prefer to wait until my actual due date to be induced so we will see what Sylvia says. Rhett is already anticipating how the birth of our 1st child is totally going to mess up his deer hunting schedule. I might have to drag his butt out of the deer stand to the hospital!!!!!!!!!
 Who will baby look like Mommy

or Daddy


Friday, October 18, 2013

38 weeks and counting

I am now 38 weeks along which is CrAzY!!! This baby could really be born any day.....The other night my belly started hurting and I thought no no I hope this isn't contractions. I'm not ready!! Lol.  Honestly is anyone ever ready? I highly doubt it. I'm not getting anxious yet but sleeping is becoming more and more uncomfortable. I currently have a cold which totally sucks a big one. Not being able to breathe out of your nose and delivering a baby don't sound like a good combo so praying I get over this quickly. Everything has gone well at my last 2 Dr appointments. Blood pressure still good and very minimal swelling so thankful for both of those things. I have been being a good girl and wearing my compression hose every day I work. It only takes about 10 minutes to put them on but so worth it. At the end of the day my legs are thanking me. Rhett hung my wall decorations in the baby room and they look so cute. The walls still look a bit plain but I know things will be added eventually. If we ever get a name picked out then I could incorporate it above the crib. My friend Sarah lent me all her maternity clothes and it is AMAZING!!! It was like a shopping spree in my living room trying everything on. Thank you sooo much!! I am very much enjoying wearing all of them. People at work are constantly asking how much longer?? How many more weeks? Lately I don't even say weeks I just say the amount of days left till my due date. I had my maternity pictures with Ms. Anna at Creative Bent. She said to just bring 2 outfits but of course I took 4 and we used all of them. Plus we did the bare belly pics. Thank you to another friend Sarah who lent me her adorable maternity sash to use. I have such sweet friends. It was an exhausting 2 hours of taking pictures but so much fun. Rhett was swamped with combining his corn trying to beat the rain so I was solo. Next week planning to go back to get additional pics with the both of us. Fingers crossed I don't go into labor before then and he gets the rest of his beans combined for some free time. Thank you to my wonderful sissy in law Erin who did my hair before the pics. Can not wait to see how the pictures turn out. Even with a big belly, double chin, and my self consciousness I know Anna will make them look awesome!!!!!! The year old wedding cake was actually very tasty in my opinion. I only ate like 3 pieces. Whoops! I still have a good excuse but soon it will be back to a strict diet!! Gotta take advantage now.

Enjoy the weekend!!  I will be spending mine at work both days so hoping I have an easy one!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

Today is our wedding anniversary! Officially married for 1 whole year and I'm 36 1/2 weeks pregnant. The countdown is on until baby Simpson makes her arrival. I love my husband soooo much that he is spending our lovely 1 year union in Canada hunting geese. Am I a great wife or what?? Actually though I am stuck at work for 12 hours and if he was here would most likely be working. I teased him saying that I was going to bust out our cake from the freezer without him and eat it all. My mother in law said she would gladly come help me out with it. Haha!!! A few extra days wont hurt it. Rhett's birthday is on Friday October 11th so I'm thinking our top layer of wedding cake will turn into his 32nd birthday cake! Just have to say I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband. He is sweet, loving, thoughtful, funny, hard working, and he puts up with me!!! I know in my heart he will be a fantastic father.  I love you to the moon and back!!!! It's hard to believe I spent over a year and a half planning for the perfect wedding and then just like that it's over! I was truly lucky bc I really got 2 days of celebrating the 6th (wedding) and 27th (big reception). 11 years was worth the wait. For the past 9 months I have been doing things in preparation for the baby. It feels like just yesterday I was taking the tests and telling our family. I have a feeling time is going to fly and before you know it little Belinda will be 11 years old. I have been working on a photo album for Allie's baby Avrie. I guess I can't really say baby anymore bc she is now 1 year old and walking!!!! So hard to believe! I can't wait to take millions of pictures of our little girl! I doubt if I will ever become a slacker in the picture taking department but just in case Grandma Phegley is on back up. I know she will keep us well supplied.

Overall I am still feeling pretty good. Shaving my legs the other day was a bit interesting. I had my 36 week drs appointment and it went well. Sylvia checked to see if I was dialated at all and I was not. Yay for that! Blood pressure still good and no swelling. (yet) I know it is inevitable. My appointment 2 weeks before this one the scale showed 0 weight gain which I found hard to believe. This time the scale showed 7 lbs. Ahhhh!!!!!!!! I about died of embarrasement. In total my chart shows a total weight gain of 25 lbs so I'm ok with that. I know my boobs must account for at least 5 lbs! Ha! Now I go on a weekly basis which is just crazy.

The car seat is installed in my vehicle. Monitor is set up in bedroom. Wall decorations still not hung up in room but hopefully Rhett will do next weekend. I found out that my insurance is going to pay for breast pump so super stoked about that.  I do need to pack my hospital bag so it's ready. What all do I really need to take along Moms?????????