My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Monday, July 30, 2012

If you really knew us...

I am going to copy off of sweet Cassie from Our Walter Life and today we are going to discuss If you really knew us. After this post you are really going to know tons of mindless details about Rhett & myself. Here we go!

If you really knew US then you would know

  • I have the horrible habit of biting my fingernails. Occasionally I will let them grow and get all pretty but then always I am a biter. Rhett used to bite his nails too until he cut his finger badly on my multi-quick and then he stopped. Now before the wedding we must both refrain so I can get my beautiful hand picture with our rings.

  •  I love to bake & cook. Baking is my fav though. Everything I know in the kitchen stems from you know who!! In high school Rhett took 4 years of foods classes while I took zero so he knew way more about cooking than I did. His mom likes to tell everyone this line "When Sara first came around she couldn't even cook a pop-tart. Look at her now." Ohh Margaret she is such a hoot!

  • Rhett is super handy about absolutely everything. If he can fix it or do it himself by gosh he will at least try to do it. Me (not so much). That is why I have him! When we built our home he did or helped with every single detail

  • We both love our dogs soooo much! I know you really already know this one but it's important. Rhett is actually quite a softie. He has a huge heart. When he cries (and it is rare) it just breaks my heart. We all know I am a tear jerker and have been all my life. 

  • We rarely fight at all. Which is great!! We both have laid back personalities and together we mesh pretty well. I hope when we have kids we approach things in a similar fashion. I am so happy that neither one of us are a stubborn person. 

  • Every waking second of my days consists of wedding thoughts & details. Rhett could give 2 cahoots about any of it. He still has yet to decide the other 2 guys in the wedding party. (Time is ticking.....almost 2 months away) yet he isn't worried about it all. I secretly think he is getting a little excited about the wedding though but partly bc he can't wait to go to Branson. 

  • I love reading and he dislikes it very much. Lets hope our kids get my gene on that one or I will be very sad. 

  • He loves hunting and I dislike that very much. Not hunting itself I just dislike going. Too early, too cold, or too boring. Lol I am just as happy for him to go do his thing and I go do mine for the day!

  • We both love country music! When we are on the road I bust out the ipod and we listen to quite a bit of it. He doesn't really care for my pop songs so country is mutual territory. 

  • We have been together for 11 1/2 years now and lived together for 9. I don't think anyone ever thought we would get married but here we are!!! All he needed was a little nudge. 

  • Greeting cards are super important to me. I looooove them. When I am picking out a card for someone I put a lot of thought into it. I just wish they weren't so darn expensive. Rhett really doesn't care about greeting cards but he knows I do so he is pretty good about buying me them when my birthday rolls around.

  • We both dislike tomatoes but like everything tomato based. We are so weird I know.

  • I went through a stage where I was obsessed with crocs. Rhett really wasn't that in to them. He is now  on his second pair of camo crocs!!! He loves them

  • Until recently we owned 4 vehicles and every single one of them had over 200,00 miles. We just got a  different vehicle for me and it is under 100,00. Yay!! 
If you really knew us than you would know we are great together and we both have the best families ever. They are supportive and help us out any way that they can. We have great parents who are wonderful role models. On that final note I just wanted to share this lovely song!! Have a great Monday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Love & other things

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Well folks I am back after a little time off! I was so embarrassed after sharing my game camera photo op I had to take some time to recover. Haha Just Kidding! I actually have been slaving in the kitchen canning every chance I get. I am officially finished with all my jars for the wedding favors. Ended up with a total of 151 which really bothers me because it's an odd number. (That is how crazy ocd I can be) I might just have to give away a jar of strawberry jam to even it up. Canning is quite easy just time consuming. My worst fear is that I might have jars that don't seal. Happy to say all 151 sealed tight! Typically when you have fresh jars you don't have any problems. I ended up making 3 different recipes of salsa which was pretty fun doing the different batches. I def want to make some more peach jam & a raspberry/habanero jelly (similar to pampered chefs) but I may take a month or two off. Today I focused on the shower/reception guest list. Since Meghan just got married I was able to steal her excel spreadsheet of names & addresses so that has helped a lot. Still need a few addresses but basically can cross that off the list of things to do.

My sister asked me for some important dates in our time together so I know what that means... games at the bridal shower! Yay!! I put together the games for Meg's shower and they were so fun. She also asked me for a picture from every year Rhett & I have been together. I take a lot of pictures (I am my mother's daughter) so most of them don't include me. I already have a picture board for the reception put together so I was able to steal a bunch of it. Finding the pictures is one thing...figuring out what year they go with was another. Overall it wasn't too difficult and I think I only need 2009 and all done. Note to self:  from now on take a picture of Rhett & I every year so in 20+ years at our anniversary party we have an abundance of them!

My dress is already in at David's Bridal so I need to go pick it up one of these days. My sister, Erin, & Brooke went to an alterations lady to get their dresses altered. Next Monday we are doing our engagement pictures. (Please cool off!!!!) I have a feeling it is still going to be sweltering hot and that is going to stink but oh well. I have been telling myself to look online for cute poses but I have not been doing it. I still have 1 week nothing like waiting till the last moment. I have been talking to the travel agent about our honeymoon!! Getting very excited about seriously going to A.L.A.S.K.A  Can't wait to see glaciers, whales, salmon, and cool temperatures!! Rhett is now going to Canada before the wedding not afterwards so lets hope he makes it back on time in 1 piece. 

We are happy happy happy that Justin (Rhett's dad) is home now. He was in the hospital for 15 days so everyone is thankful he is back to good ole St. Leo's. We love you!! Last Friday I babysat some of the kids and also took Brooke to her orthodontist appointment to get her braces removed. (TEAR) She looks so grown up now. So not like a 13 year old. I feel like she has had them on forever. Last night when I was going through old pictures I found these and more tears. Love these girls so much!! Yes I am the embarrassing auntie who busts out all the old pictures!!


                                         Everyone please pray for cooler weather!! Have a great Tuesday!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekend Shenanigans

We got RAIN!!!! Approx 3"  Thank the lord! It is so nice having a happy farmer to live with rather than a sad disappointed one. This weekend was just wonderful in the fact that we really had no plans at all. Normally I have a list to timbuktu of things to do or I am stuck at work so no plans was just lovely. Rhett's father is in the hospital in St. Louis (has been there 1 week today) so Friday we headed up for a visit. I made some food to take along and we loaded up our goodies & some odds/ends items that they needed. Rhett & I are absolutely horrible at driving in St. Louis and once we got to Waterloo I realized we forgot the garmin. Oh Boy!! We called and got some directions from his sister, we also noticed the sign that said "hospital next exit" but yet we still managed to miss our exit. As I looked to the right and said oh look their is Missouri Baptist and we are driving right by it. Ahhhhhhhh Good thing he works only 1 minute away and I only have to drive to little Sparta because we don't do well at all in the city. We did eventually get turned around and reached our destination. We had a nice visit for 3-4 hrs and Erin's peach shake even survived the trip with out totally melting & Justin was able to enjoy it. We are praying every day that he gets well soon and is able to come home. On the way home we enjoyed supper at Red Lobster.

Saturday & Sunday consisted of cleaning, canning, cooking, wedding details, & just hanging out together. I totally organized our spare bedroom that contains all my wedding stuff. It literally looked like a tornado had come through so it was time for some cleaning up. I found some more mason jars in the shed at my grandma's house. They were filthy dirty so I ran through the dishwasher & good as new! I now have all my mason jar arrangements totally finished. I also have been busy canning a lot. I have 30 peach jam & 30 strawberry jam done & the 50 zucchini relish. Once our tomatoes turn I will do about 50 salsa and will be finished. My goal of being done by end of July will actually come true.

Rhett brought the staple gun home for me and helped put together these.

I bought these frames (50% off ) and then stretched the chalkboard fabric across the back and he stapled it on. Now I can write something fun on them with chalk and they will be hanging behind our head table at the reception.  

To refresh your memories I found this on pinterest so I am making my own version. Excited but nervous at to how this will all turn out. 
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I really wanted to buy a cute cake topper off Etsy but for $30 ugghhhh I decided to make one of my own. I used a cheapo $1 wooden letter and already had the purple ribbon and came up with this.... Rhett was kind enough to drill 2 small holes in the bottom to shove the sticks in. Turned out pretty good! I know I already had the deer cake toppers but I wanted something different for both receptions. 

I plan on making our arrangements soon for our engagement pictures so I have been scouting places to take them. I have a few ideas so getting very excited for that! We also need to sit down with the travel agent and get our honeymoon set up!! I keep meaning to call about both so hopefully by the end of the week I have those 2 things set up. 

Just for giggles I will fill you all in on the wonderful things that happen when you live with a hunter. Rhett has a game camera that gets set up in the woods and takes pictures of the animals. This way he can kinda scout what hangs out in the area he plans to hunt when season rolls around. So he decided to make sure it was working correctly before taking it out in the woods and hanging. It was set up in our dining room on 1 of the wooden beams about 2 ft from the floor. It was flashing like crazy all night taking pic after pic after pic. The next day after I showered 
(now remember I live in the country & the only way to my house is down our lane) 
I was walking around the house totally nakey. Just be bopping around the kitchen doing some stuff when the thought did cross my mind about the camera. Surely he had turned it flashing was going on. Whatever I thought & I eventually got dressed and went about the house cleaning. Later that day while Rhett is on the computer looking at all his pictures......Uh huh naked pic of my behind. Guess that baby doesn't flash in the daytime. Oh my totally mortifying but at least the only person to see it was my soon to be hubby. He thankfully deleted it right away for me.
 Def will be a good story for the grand kids way way in the future.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

What a Pinteresting Day!

Pinned ImageFirst off lets discuss my bridal gown fitting I had on Friday. It went well....very well! When I bought my dress in December I got size 18. It has been hanging on the closet door in my spare wedding bedroom ever since. I told the lady helping me that I wanted to try on size 14 & 16. I bit the bullet and started with the smaller size. I got it on and it was zipped but oh baby I couldn't breathe. I had some good cleavage and I think my waist looked pretty skinny but breathing on my wedding day is a must so I decided to try on the 16. It was great!! Fit just fine and could actually be taken in a bit at the hips. I would like to know why they don't make size 15... Sometime this week I have to take the original dress to DB and then the new size will be ordered. Yay!! I also stopped by Grand Rental Station and got several things organized for my reception decor. Small but very important details such as tablecloths, tables, & vases.

I have been finding all kinds of fun ideas on pinterest.

Great view to see everyone's reactions
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This is toooo cute!
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                                                                                                    Great idea instead of just bride's gown!

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This is a must! I think I probably already                                                                POPCORN BAR
showed this pic but I just love it.

I know I am not technically married YET but lets be real we have been together for 11 1/2 years living together for 9 so I pretty much feel like I'm in a happy marriage already. I am not perfect & he is not perfect but together we are a great team!
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