My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It's a Celebration!

Its hard to believe that Rhett & I officially have a ONE year old. Our sweet little 21", 6 lb 15 oz Lainey Nicole entered our lives at 12:29 am one year ago today. What an awesome day that was! Watching her grow and change has been such a joy. Sometimes I find it hard to remember the days before she was so active. Now she practically runs everywhere she goes. Good thing we videotaped the early days of sitting still. We celebrated Sunday with her party and it was wonderful. Family & friends helped us enjoy the beautiful day. Had I known months ago what great weather it would be....we could've had it outside at our house. The cake eating was quite entertaining but I think she ate more icing than actual cake. I had given her a fake present days before to unwrap for practice and she managed to use her teeth to rip most of the paper off. She honestly probably opened a total of two presents at the party. Extremely interested in the leaves from Uncle Jeremy & Aunt Tracey's gift and loved the shopping cart from Uncle Andrew & Aunt Rabecca. She also managed to get some dance time in to the gummy bear song while I finished opening her gifts. Maybe at Christmas she will be more interested.

Monday we had Lainey's one year pictures at Creative Bent. I am sooo excited and can not wait to view them. November 10th is way too far away. First we did family pics which at moments she wasn't very thrilled about. Sitting still and not getting to chase the cat are not high on a one year olds priorities. Rhett went back to work after family was done and we headed inside for a change of scenery. Little ms serious face was posing it up on the chair she sat on but no smiles. Outfit #3 was with a basket and balloons back outside. These are seriously what I'm most excited about. After singing "Happy and you know it" many many times we got some awesome smiles. Next was a few shots with pumpkins and the cutest little orange sweater dress I've ever seen. Last but not least the cake smash pictures!! The set-up was absolutely adorable complete with a grey background, balloons, tissue puff balls, and a ladybug cake. I can't wipe the smile off my face just thinking about how cute they are going to turn out. Anna never dissapoints and I just can't wait to share with everyone.

Birthday Girl Stats
30" tall
18 lbs 8 oz
Loves: remote controls, rocks, her doggies Ammo & Drake, removing items from trash cans, being outside, running naked after bath time, snuggling, music, books, pink monkey, fruit, chicken, and balls
Has 4 teeth (2 on top & 2 on bottom)
Recently discovered: how to turn the water on while taking a bath, how to remove diaper (velcro ones she could get long time ago but now can remove snapped ones)
Can say: Mom, Da Da, Uh Oh, Baaaa, Moooo, No, Yummy

Extremely active, loving, and always entertaining

For 365 days I have breastfed her, for 52 weeks I have journaled about her, every moment significant or small has been well documented on camera, and for every second we have loved her with all our hearts. Here's to YEAR ONE and many many more. Mommy & Daddy love you sweet Lainey.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Shall we dance???


Wow 2 months have gone by since I last posted anything I don't really even know where to start. My little peach just turned 11 months old. She is keeping us busy as ever. August was a fun month celebrating my birthday. Officially in my last year of the twenties....I seriously feel old now. Just going to do a little recap through August & September to catch up.

Places we visited
Shoguns for Mommy's birthday
Sam's Club
Monkey Joe's for Claire & Cletus Birthday
4H appreciation dinner for buyers @ Waterloo Fair
Steak & Shake lunch Date with Gma & Aunt Nancy
Jefferson Barracks cemetery see Great Grandpa Shinabargar's grave
Musket's football games to cheer on Grandpa & his team
Toys R Us
Phoenix, Arizona
Giant City Lodge Simpson S Corp Meeting
John A Logan College for Hunting & Fishing Days
Several play dates with other babies
Aunt Jaimee's field hockey game
New Discoveries
Water faucet when taking baths-loves drinking bath water too
Sidewalk around our landscaping-totally obsessed with being outside
How to feed dogs from high chair-Ammo & Drake love this
How to remove Velcro diapers-this is super bad for Mom!!!
Can get down off couch all by herself
Walk up stairs (holding Mommy's hand of course)
Waving bye bye which is sooo incredibly adorable
Bending over to get something off ground without falling over
New words "UH OH"   "BAAAA" when referring to sheep in book & lots of jibberish that we just don't understand but love listening it

Reading back through my journaling for 2 months worth it really seems like an eternity ago that some of this stuff happened. Currently Ms. Lainey weighs a whopping 18 lbs 12 oz and measuring 30". That means she has grown 9" since birth holy smokes. I recently seen a hint of  a curl when her hair got sweaty so I hope that means she is getting my hair. She is obsessed with being outside, the gummy bear song, rocks of any kind, her two farm books, & dancing. Her dancing has definitely evolved lately. She has gone from the single arm windshield wiper to now shuffling her feet & twisting her body back and forth. Has 3 teeth and so close to getting a 4th. She is still as sweet, cute, and active as ever. Never ever a dull moment with this one. Next time I will fill ya in on our trip to Phoenix.

 watching gummy bears!!


Monday, July 28, 2014

Chicken makes me Crazy!


Its amazing how quickly the weeks pass by. One moment I have an 8 month old and then the next I have a 9 month old. Lots of learning this month for our little bug. Clapping her hands, giving high fives & kisses, throwing a ball, going up stairs, and walking like crazy, and standing up on her own with no help. This child is a busy busy bee! I love how when she learns something new then she just keeps doing it over and over and over again. So much fun to watch.

A few favorites
(fake food) chicken leg at beginning of month and ice cream scoop at end of month
(Real food) watermelon & chicken (very excited when she gets the chicken)
The toliet and trash cans (can my child be any grosser..) she immediately puts her hands in the water and then places them in her mouth
Loving the dogs more and more each day
Hanging on Mommy's leg while saying ma ma ma am ma 
Her toothbrush
Drinking out of Daddy's water cup
Going to IGA

A few firsts....
We survived our first 4th of July with some tears and screaming
Trip to Grants Farm. She enjoyed the carousel and disliked all animals especially goats
Mom & Dad went on our first real outing without our baby!!!!  Waaaa I didn't want to leave her either
18 month pajamas
1st piggie tail


The fireplace and baby gate at the top of stairs
When put in pack and play Mommy really will come back in a few minutes after switching the laundry.
How to open drawers, cabinets, and trash can.

New foods we tried
Zucchini bread
Turkey burger
Summer squash
Lots of finger food now
Mashed potatoes

We went to Creative Bent for Lainey's 8 Month session and all her pictures turned out awesome! Never disappointed. Already planning and thinking of ideas for her 1 year session. I have purchased some birthday decorations already too. We are doing a LADYBUG theme which is going to be so much fun! Can't wait to see what the month of August brings! This Momma will be turning 29 and in September we will have our first plane ride to go to a family wedding out of state so watch out!!! Then October brings Rhett & Lainey's birthdays. Fun Fun Fun!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Peachy Kisses

31 Weeks
Baby girl tried peaches and squash and loved both. She better love peaches or I might not be able to claim her as my child. Extremely helpful when getting fed solids. Lainey likes to grab the spoon and help guide it to her mouth. Then usually she doesn't want to give up the spoon so normally we have 2. One to feed with and one to play with. Using a sippy cup for water like a pro. Went on first to library with Grandma Simpson while I worked out. Margaret said she was very observant during their walk. It used to be only the doggies could get Lainey to laugh now lots of giggles for Mommy & Daddy. Rhett can really get her going when he tosses her in air. I swear one morning she said Mama but it was 3 am so I may have been dreaming or hallucinating it. One evening Lainey did speak her first word but I'm not sure if we can actually count it.... The 3 of us are just hanging out in the living room. (Rhett in his recliner, me on couch, and Lainey standing between us) All of a sudden she awkwardly blurts out very loudly MIME. (pronunciation like the silent clowns with white faces) Yes my child's first word was mime. Not sure if she was trying to say Mom or mine. HAHA! I think I might wait to fill in the baby book on that one! Never the less it was quite random but amusing. We enjoyed a fun trip to the Rendezvous. I grew up in Rocher so as a kid we always attended this event. This is an extremely busy time of year for Rhett with work but this particular week on Monday he announced we were having a family day. This is a rare but welcome occurrence. We went to South County to eat out at Shoguns and also went to the taxidermist shop. Last time there I was in my last weeks of pregnancy. Boy was this trip different. Lainey of course did not want to sit in the high chair and thoroughly enjoyed the game of throw everything on the ground over and over. The joys of eating out with children!!! This week started making a snorting noise and loves making fart noises by blowing on people's arms/legs. When we say give us kisses Lainey will open her mouth and lean in for a kiss. Melt my heart!!!!!

Loving on Auntie Jaimee
 32 Weeks
Celebrated Rhett's first Father's Day! Even though it was a week late I made him this video. It wasn't much of a day considering I was at work until 4 pm and then he hauled hay all evening but that's just the way it goes sometimes. For our gift put Lainey's footprint on a canvas and made it into a tractor picture. I honestly knew before she was even born that I was going to do this on Father's Day. It turned out soooo cute. I left it on the counter so when Rhett woke up it was waiting for him. He said it was adorable. In 13 years of being together don't think I've ever heard him use that word to describe anything. *Daddy's little Girl* The obsession with plastic bags or anything plastic is just a little scary. Any and everything goes in this child's mouth. Still sucking on her 3rd and 4th left fingers often. (more when sleepy) Also obsessed with shoes which is probably one of the grossest things that could go in a mouth. My Mom took Lainey for a visit to her Mom's house. She got to meet Great Uncle Tom Shinabargar (he lives in Minnesota). Great Grandma sent home a little rocking horse that has probably been at her house forever. Thanks Grandma!! Lainey looks like a cheerleader in her new sitting pose lately. She tucks her little legs underneath her. So sweet. Following in Mommy's footsteps already! I'm already envisioning the high ponytails with bows and French braiding her hair. One evening when I came home from work their was a surprise waiting for me in Lainey's room. Rhett & my Mom had moved the crib down to its lowest position and removed the mobile. My sister said it looks like a little jail. The good thing is if I have to run downstairs to switch laundry I can put her in crib now for a few minutes and not worry she will fall out. Bad thing is my arms are short so putting her in crib after she has fallen asleep ( and keeping her asleep) can be a bit of a challenge. I think the first few days I felt like I was tossing her in but now weeks later we don't have any issues.

33 Weeks
This week was busy. Lainey took 6 steps-new record. New food-baby spinach. I started getting outfits together for 8 month photo session. Holy crap 8 months!!!!! It seems like we were just getting her 4 month photos taken. Good luck Anna because this little bug doesn't sit still. Rhett has a pair of cowboy boots from when he was a baby and planning for her to wear them. They were a gift from his Grandma & Grandpa Jefferson. Went for our first summer swim in the lake with Roxy & Meghan. I think it took longer to prepare than we actually swam! Aunt Jaimee came down for a visit with souvenirs from her Florida vacation. She even joined me for my workout session with Brandy. Lainey did so good playing during our session. I had to do a few arm exercises with her hanging on my leg but hey it worked! I truly appreciate Darla letting me bring her along for my workouts. I usually don't because besides work it is my only time for myself but both Grandma's were busy. Allie, Avrie, Lainey, and I went for a visit to Alicia's house to meet Baby Asher. She was of course adorable and sooo tiny. We had a wonderful visit. Loved holding a tiny baby again! Great Aunt Nancy gave us a huge pile of fake food and Lainey is in heaven. Her favorites are the slice of cheese and corn on the cob. She is most definitely my child! That piece of cheese is so real looking and she crawls around with it in her mouth constantly. She tries taking bites out of it too. I'm afraid one of these days she is really going to get a chunk. Really doing well with balance and taking steps more and more each day. So close to being able to stand up without holding onto anything. My Mom swears she did it twice but I have to see it to believe it. Mommy Denial! On Saturday evening we went to dinner at Reid's in Chester. It was quite the eventful trip. Lainey got a nice big handful of my salad and attempted to eat that. After her toys, a spoon, and two straws were not enough to occupy her any longer I handed her a sugar packet. Lord knows what I was thinking, I should've known better. Immediately Rhett says "seriously a sugar packet". Before I could even attempt to take it away she rips it open with her mouth and sugar goes flying through the air everywhere. The Mother of a family sitting a few tables over was dying laughing and reenacting the whole episode. I really didn't think she would get it open and definitely not that quickly. Finally I ended up giving her a butter container in hopes that her two tiny teeth couldn't puncture the foil covering on it. I'm so happy we could give that family of 6 a good laugh. It probably made the Mom & Dad reminisce back to their days of babies. The youngest of their 4 children being well past that stage!

Our Baby Girls!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Little Social Butterfly

28 Weeks (It was a busy one!)
We went on Lainey's first official field trip. Aunt Tracey asked if we wanted to tag along with her & Maggie and who says no to a field trip. I even took the day off of work which made it that much better. Big thank you to Megan for covering for me. Although it was a cool rainy 60 degree day for May The Butterfly House was nice and toasty. We enjoyed looking at all the pretty butterflies/plants, rode on the carousel, and played on the playground. Instead of eating our packed lunches we opted for Imo's on the way home. (or as Maggie would call it Finding Nemo pizza) I guess to a 4 year old Imo and Nemo sound quite similar. She is such a sweetie! The time finally arrived for Rhett to put up the baby gate at the top of our stairs. Our little crawling machine started venturing down the hallway so safety first. Moved the walker around like crazy at Grandma's house. In the past had only ever moved backwards but not anymore. I decided to bring up walker from basement and just like that up and down the hallway, around the island, chasing the dogs. Good thing we have lots of wood flooring. Gave Ms. Lainey a sippy cup for the first time. She understood concept of picking up with both hands but not getting it to her mouth. Now at 33 weeks she is a pro and loves water! I typically only give to her when she is getting solids. For 6 1/2 months this child has tolerated all the hair bows on her head and now that is growing up in the world she has discovered how to rip them off! Before having a baby I used to look at the huge hair bows Moms would place on their kids and think how ridiculous they looked. Now I am guilty of being that Mom! We love hair bows in our house. Daddy even says she looks so cute with the bows. My Mom kept telling me that Lainey was getting her balance and taking a step. But of course it's always when Mommy is at work. I was in denial anyway and said no way she's not doing that. Later in the week lo and behold she took 3 steps and I actually got to witness it. Jaimee was over too and we were all cheering her on. They were extremely ungraceful but they totally count. I have a feeling once she is really walking she is not going to slow down for a second.

29 Weeks
 This particular week it was like I flipped a light switch and boom Lainey began sleeping well again. What an awesome moment when I laid her in her crib holding my breath that she would stay sleeping and guess what.....she did. Yay!!!!! I also began covering her up with a crochet blanket from cousin Donna Parrone. Thank you we love it! Lots of giggling all the time now. Such a sweet sound to hear. Had a play date with Sarah & Brooke Blind. The kiddos just kinda stared at each other and we adults visited. Eventually in the future they will play together! We had a fun time. Aunt Nancy, cousins Kelsey & Jen, Aunt Jaimee, and Grandma P all came for a play day. It was fun having visitors at our home since all her toys are here and she was in her element for sure. Showing how she plays with all her toys, having a swim in her new baby pool and eating avocado like a big girl. Thank you all so much for coming over because we had a great time. Went on a sushi date with Aunt Erin, Aunt Meghan, & Brooke. Man this week we had lots of fun time with family & friends! My sweet niece little Brookie (not so little anymore) drove us to O'fallon and she did well. It was her first time driving somewhere with distance. I know I have said it before but these kids just grow up so fast. When Rhett & I hooked up Brooke was only 2 and now she is driving her Mom & Aunts places. CRAZY!!! In 15 years I will be shedding tears when it's my baby's turn. Rhett had an extremely busy week and literally went 3 whole days not seeing Lainey awake. She would still be sleeping when he left and by the time he got home from work asleep again. Poor things I don't know who it was harder for him or her. (I'm pretty sure it was worse for him) When they finally got to reunite lots of smiles and happiness.

30 Weeks (7 Months)
Celebrated the big 7 months!!! I enjoy taking the sticker pictures at the end of each month and putting them in the baby book. Grandma Simpson had her last day of school forever. She is now retired. I work out every Monday & Friday at Design Fitness and this week she helped me out with watching Lainey. My Mom watches her Tue-Thurs when I work so this gives her a bit of a break too. We attended a graduation party for my cousin Jennifer Bailey. She is now officially a college student. Also hard to believe she has grown up so fast. Lots of fun swimming in the big pool and visiting with family we don't see often from Missouri & Colorado. Instead of just scraping her teeth on the bed posts our little bug now enjoys doing it on the glass coffee table in our living room. It totally gives me the heebie jeebies when I hear that sound. New foods this week included peas which went over just fine. Feeding solids is actually enjoyable now. We had a play date at Allie's house with Avrie and several cousins. Fun Fun Fun! Lainey enjoyed playing I mean chewing on all of Avrie's toys. Thank you for having us and feeding me supper!! One evening I decided to try and get Lainey to walk behind a push toy that she has. I had tried a few weeks before but she just tipped the thing backwards. Our little mover showed Mommy & Daddy. To my surprise she took off pushing it and did quite well. After she did it once we of course had to try again for the video camera and then again for cell video and then again just for fun! What a joy it is seeing our little angel conquer new challenges. She is definitely keeping us on our toes!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Watch me grow!!

And just like that...........We have a 7 month old. Holy Crap the days are seriously just a blur. I can't even remember the moments where she just laid still in my arms or on the floor. First I'm going to rewind a ways back because several weeks have come and gone since my last post.

25 Weeks (aka almost 6 months old) 
 4-24-14 Lainey pulled herself up at the couch for the first time. She then discovered how to do it in her crib as well. Time for Daddy to lower the crib because I was scared to death she was going to fall out.. It honestly could probably be moved down again now weeks later. Started solids at the end of the month. I have decided to make my own baby food and its so simple. My mother in law has a little hand grinder she used for all of her children and she let me borrow it. How awesome is that using the same little contraption for baby and Daddy. Rhett was armed with the video camera & camera while I attempted to get at least 1 spoonful of banana in her mouth. I am almost positive more food ended up getting spit out than staying in her mouth. Very eventful & messy! In addition to banana we have know conquered avocado, carrot, sweet potato, green beans, and apple. Favorite by far is avocado and least favorite green beans. She acts like she is gagging every time I try the green beans. Lainey attended her first wedding (Rhett's cousin Monica). We had fun in the photo booth and attempting to eat dinner as she tried grabbing every single item within her grasp was interesting. I'm still figuring out the whole one handed thing. This kid was a wiggle worm oh my! She did not want to sit still at the table so we spent most of the evening hanging out in the corner so she could crawl around freely. Also does not sit still anymore while getting her diaper changed. The one day she almost rolled off the changing pad. (Mother of the year here) Grandma Phegley found first official tooth. I'm going to contribute any unusual fussiness to it. Definitely had days of that especially in other people's vehicles.

26 Weeks (6 months old)
Found another tooth now both bottom middle ones have come in. Soooo tiny and cute. My Mom found this one also. I guess I don't stick my fingers in my child's mouth often but Gma sure was checking it out. At this point in time she was constantly pulling herself up and started letting go once standing up. It may be only a few seconds of free standing but it was happening. Ms. daredevil!! Along with this came lots of falling down and a few bumps/bruises. It just makes me cringe thinking about it. Went for 6 month Dr well visit. Everything went fine and just a little crying after shots. Length 27.5" 96th percentile, Weight 15.9 lbs 56th percentile, head circumference 15.75" 5th percentile. After the appointment we visited Aunt Meghan's new office. She works on the same floor where we go to Dr so always make it a point to stop in when there.


27 Weeks
Lainey rode in a shopping cart like a big girl for the first time @ Wally World. Since she has enjoyed numerous trips to IGA. It's like a little field trip for her checking everything out, gnawing on a head of broccoli, smiling at everyone she encounters.

Favorite toy is definitely this one


A gift from Aunt Jaimee and & Aunt Nancy. A very inexpensive resale and best money they have spent yet! She loves pulling up, smacking around on the buttons, and falling down. Repeat over and over and over and over. You get the idea! My comment has been good thing she has squishy diapers to guard that flat butt. (She gets it from her Daddy!!! ) I feel that I have an easygoing kid but it seems like every few weeks their is one thing in particular that she dislikes with a passion. At this point in time it was getting strapped in her car seat. Good gracious that was horrible for about 2 weeks and then it just stopped one day. She loves sucking on the armrest of Daddy's recliner chair. My Mom said wait till she punctures a hole in it with those two teeth. Ai yi yi! She now weeks later enjoys scraping her teeth on her crib furniture. Sleeping at night still not a fun time. At times I would be so tired that she ended up just sleeping in bed with us. That is something I swore I would NEVER do! It is amazing how things change and you really should not say "I'm never doing that." I don't mind sleeping in my comfy recliner but it kills my neck so I try not to do it. We had a fantastic Mother's Day weekend. I was off work for 4 days which is always refreshing. My sister & I had a fun day of shopping at Cotton Babies. I wanted to get a diaper sprayer for Lainey's cloth diapers. They also ended up having nursing bras (in my size). Hallelujah! Next door was a doggie bakery so we hit it up for treats for Ammo & Drake. I'm a total nerd but seriously it was the best shopping trip ever. I just kept saying over and over how great it was. Jaimee was probably thinking I need to get out a little more often. It really doesn't take much to amuse me! When I got home from shopping Rhett had done all the yard work including mowing everything. Awesome!!! I typically mow and it takes like 3-4 hours depending on speed. It wasn't even Mother's Day yet and I was so thankful for all these wonderful gifts. On Sunday we attended church at the convent and afterwards spent some time at Rhett's parents house just enjoying the day. In the evening my Mom came over and the day was just complete getting to spend time with her. She so generously gave me several gifts which she did not have to do. One of them was a cute mug with little pictures and names for Lainey, Ammo, & Drake. I instantly started crying #1 because I loved it and #2 I was just sad my sweet Dakota's name was missing. I think that is the first personalized thing I have received as a gift since she left us. It still hurts all the time. Speaking of the doggies....Lainey absolutely loves them so much. She just smiles and giggles at every single thing they do. Even if all they are doing is chasing a Frisbee!

 Helping Mom clean the pantry. Not very excited about it!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Mover & A Shaker!!

This past month has been quite eventful when it comes time to put Ms. Lainey to bed. Her current sleep schedule is is so inconsistent and out of whack. One night she will sleep in her crib all night long, the next she wakes up 3 times to nurse, and the next she will only sleep in my arms in the recliner. Not sure what the deal is!  I'm sure I don't help the situation when I fall asleep nursing her in my arms in the recliner and then snuggle her all night. (but she will only be this tiny once...) This is the kid that slept 10 hours every night on a regular basis when she was 3 months old. Whatev is all I have to say!!! I'm not really down with the whole cry it out thing so I will just stick with the feel like a zombie/tired thing. I have always nursed my baby to sleep since the moment she was born and I love doing it so I'm not stopping now.

The Fun Game of Trying to Balance on Daddy's Lap!

It is hard to believe that at 4 months Lainey had just started rolling over and when 5 months approached she was a little gymnast that wouldn't sit still. And so it continues....we now at 5 1/2 months have a crawler and she sits up by herself. At times she is hesitant and screams like a mad woman once she reaches the hard wood floor but she is most definately officially crawling now. Nothing is SAFE!! One of her favorite spots to sit is underneath the large glass table in our living room. She fits just perfectly. (for now) I thoroughly enjoyed getting the Easter/Bunny pictures with Devon. They turned out just precious!!!! I know the picture taking is probably excessive but I can't imagine that in 15 years when she is learning how to drive, or 20 or so years when she is gone out of our house (maybe married) that I will ever regret all the pictures. All we have from the past is memories! But let's just not even imagine that far into the future yet.

I thought Lainey had her first tooth....I know it was there on the rt side lateral incisor. I could see a little sliver of white poking through and it felt bumpy. Also their was unexplained fussiness and pulling at the right ear. I kept calling it her model pose because she would stick that right hand behind her ear. I eventually realized what was actually going on. Now a few weeks later its totally gone. I'm not crazy!!! Someone told me that teeth can pop out and then back in so I'm assuming this is what happened. Anyone else have this with their baby? So we still have a toothless baby which is just fine bc I don't want her chomping on my boobs anytime soon.

 I would do anything for those sweet dimples!

This warmer weather has been heavenly!! We have taken several walks and Lainey has attended her first softball game/track meet to cheer on her cousins Jenn and Brooke. We made a visit to Edwardsville to Aunt Jaimee's. She so often comes to us so instead we made at trip to her. Celebrated Grandpa Phegley & Grandpa Simpson's birthdays recently. Lots of fun with our families. Rhett killed a turkey a few weeks ago so of course he wanted a picture with his little girl and his bird. Soo cute in hats together. We also took our first family 4 wheeler ride around the farm. The first of many!! Lainey put her little arms up on Rhetts back and it totally looked like she was hanging on for dear life. I did not grow up living in the country but I am sure excited that my daughter will.

 Last year on Easter we surprised our families with the news of our little babe on the way. This year our sweet baby girl is here *Healthy & Happy*.  Even though I had to work on Easter so happy Lainey spent the day going to church with her Daddy and with family that loves her much .
 So Blessed!!!!!!

 Checking out her Easter present from Grandma. I swear she started opening it all by herself and thoroughly enjoyed some unwrapping and eating of the paper. Sooo cute and I got it all on video!!