My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Monday, November 25, 2013

Lainey's Birth Story Part 2

After pushing for about 1 1/2 hours our little girl arrived into this world at 12:29 am on Tuesday October 29, 2013. I'm not going into great detail of how the delivery went but I will say everything was just fine. By the end I was exhausted but thrilled to finally meet our baby. Rhett was such a trooper during the whole thing. I was a little nervous he would be passed out on the floor by the end of the whole process. He even gloved up and pretty much caught her when she came out. I don't think he was real keen on doing it at first but Sylvia got him involved. I was also able to reach down during the delivery and feel the baby's head which was very encouraging. So many emotions were running through my brain it's hard to remember exactly what I was thinking at the very moment I held my daughter for the first time. All I know is it was all happiness and love. Rhett helped cut the umbilical cord. Our awesome nurse Robin took great pictures for us documenting those memories. I immediately held baby on my chest and tried to nurse for a while. She just kept crying and crying. I remember saying is this normal? She won't stop crying I don't think she likes me very much yet. Eventually she was weighed and length was checked. I couldn't wait to hear what the stats were and was totally shocked when I heard 6 lbs 15 oz. Not so shocked with the length because I expected her to be long. The nurses kept commenting how her hair looked red but honestly I think it was just the dried blood on her head. Her hair is totally brown and I do not see any hint of red at all. Eventually around 1:15 am my Mom Dad & sister Jaimee came in to meet GrandBaby #1 and niece #1. I have no idea what was going on in their brains but I imagine it was excitement! They had only been waiting for many many hours!!! My Mom has been waiting for years!!!!! Long before Rhett & I were ever married (back when people probably thought we never would) she used to tell me to just start having kids. They visited for a short time and then headed home. My mom & dad did pick up some food for us before leaving. I was starvin marvin bc I hadn't eaten in forever! The only place open at 1 am was Denny's and that was just fine with me. Eventually baby went to the nursery, I was able to shower, and sleep for a few hours till time to feed again. Rhett was asleep in the chair before I could even get out of the shower. Once morning arrived we spent it snuggling, eating, changing diapers, taking pictures, and trying to decide on a name. Our little gal still was nameless!!!! Rhett still really liked Katina and my favorite was Eleanor. Every so often I would say ok so what are we going to do here with the name?? Lainey was a name we had discussed and both liked but it was never #1 pick. Then Rhett said how about Lainey and it just sounded so right. So Lainey it was! We could not have chosen a more perfect name because it fits her like a glove. I think most of our family & friends were pleasantly surprised as well with our choice. Rhett made a slideshow to music on the ipad with all the pictures we were taking. It was so sweet! The day was busy with visitors Aunt Erin, Aunt, Meghan, Rusty, Grandma & Grandpa Simpson, cousins Brooke & Madison, Great Aunt Nancy, Great Aunt Patti, cousin Kelsey, Aunt Jaimee, and of course Grandma Phegley. Thank You to everyone who came to see us and visit.  

Throughout the day/night numerous nurses/drs/etc came in and out of the room for various things. After a 2nd night we were so ready to go home. Sylvia came for a visit on Wed morning and said some of my blood work was low. Booo! Which meant she wanted to wait a few hours and for me to be redrawn to make sure it didn't drop any more. After the 2nd draw my count actually increased so we had the green light. Yay!!! I was nervous but excited to be leaving the little hospital room and going out into the real world WITH A CHILD! The discharge took forever and we were both getting pretty antsy. We got to leave Lainey's mark on the wall right outside of our room and above cousin Roxy.

Ready to Go home! 

Overall our birth experience went very well. I was extremely pleased that I was able to work until delivery time. Also very happy I was not induced and went into labor on my own. Now the real journey has just begun. Love our little Lainey! We are so blessed. Thank you God. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lainey's Birth Story Part 1

It has been 3 fast weeks since delivery day and I already feel like I can't remember everything. I figured it was time to document all the details from our sweet girls arrival into this world.

October 25th (Friday)
We spent the morning taking maternity pictures at Creative Bent. Rhett was unable to go the 1st go around so we went back for more. I'd like to say that getting up and down on the ground jump started the whole process of labor.....Let's just pretend it did. Thank You Anna!!!! I felt totally fine the whole time we were taking pictures. Afterwards we met my mother in-law and sister in-laws in Waterloo. Rhett headed home and we all headed to Kimswick for the day. We did quite a bit of walking and lots of eating. My meal at the Blue Owl was delicious. I had yummy salad, white chili, and chicken salad sandwich. Then of course I got desert to go! At one point I mentioned that my back was kinda hurting on the right side. I joked that maybe it was back labor. I also was texting my friends Allie & Alicia asking them what back labor felt like. Once we got home from Kimswick Rhett & I went to Steeleville to a wake at the funeral home. I was really tired from the day, had a headache, and my back still hurt. During dinner I just didn't feel the greatest and 2 different times thought maybe just maybe I had felt a contraction. What does a contraction really feel like? Am I imagining what I felt? I had no idea!! I was so nervous that I wouldn't really know when my labor was starting. Everyone reassured me that I would definitely know when it was real.

October 26th (Saturday)
I slept in and then went to my niece's cross country meet in Chester with Erin. It was a very nice morning but I still had that occasional twinge in my back. It wasn't bad just a little uncomfortable every once in a while. That afternoon my Mom & I headed to Ofallon to eat lunch with my sister & brother. Jaimee said she wanted to see me at least one more time before baby was born and since my due date was that upcoming week.....We ate at 54th Street and it was yummy as always. I just love that place! That evening I was laying on the couch watching the world series game and the contractions really started. At the time I wasn't positive that they were contractions but all I knew was my back was really hurting and it sucked. I don't remember when exactly I first started timing them but I think it was later in the evening. Every time it would hurt I would say Rhett come over here and rub my back. I'm sure I was driving him absolutely crazy. I was unable to sleep at all through the night. I took a hot bath in our tub at 3 am hoping it would give some relief. Nope! Rhett was very sweet even getting up through the night checking on me. I even called the maternity department at St. Elizabeth's asking a few questions.

October 27th (Sunday)
We did not go to church since I for one had not gotten any sleep and two felt like total crap. I spent the day attempting to get sleep, staying occupied, and taking multiple hot showers/baths. I don't know why I thought they would help bc they didn't at all but I was probably the cleanest I have ever been in my life. I had absolutely no appetite at all either. In the evening Tracey brought over her heating pad for me. Allie & Brandon also came over bringing me chicken soup. I ate a very small amount of it. The evening went about the same no sleep, back labor, and one tired preggy. I took a few more baths and showers too. I paced around the house, sat on my swiss ball, and called St. E's again. I even got Rhett up and we were about ready to head to Belleville at around 4. The nurse on the phone said it just didn't sound like I was quite ready yet to come in.

October 28th (Monday)
My back pain just kept getting stronger and more intense as time went on. Early morning Erin decided to come over with her massage chair and a few items we needed. (toilet paper & bread) Def 2 necessities! Rhett had some work things he needed to get done pronto so he was off and Erin was in. She was amazing cleaning up my house while I paced around moaning and groaning. Every time I would have a contraction she would stop what she was doing and rub my back till it ended. I had timed them through the night but they weren't extremely regular. Mid morning they were pretty well 5 minutes apart. The hospital had said that they needed to be 5 min apart for an hour and then it was time. I was watching that clock like a hawk. Every time the 5 minute mark would come I was actually hoping the contraction would come. The first time I hit that hour mark I declared that it was time to go. Rhett had just finished hauling a load of beans to FS in Evansville so he was ready as well. Erin gave me a good pep talk and we were off to the hospital. The ride to the hospital was HORRIBLE!!! Mainly bc my hubby couldn't really rub my back while concentrating on driving. We arrived at St. E's at 11:30 am. I did all the pre-registering that I could but still had to check in. I swear the lady checking me in was moving like molasses. She was soooo slow or maybe looking back now it was just because I felt like I was dying every time I had a contraction. Eventually she finished up and I was wheeled up to the 4th floor. That was silly being pushed in a wheelchair. I was in labor not injured. At 12:30 the nurse checked to see how dialated I was and the a 4 and 90% effaced. I was so happy! I think if she would have said at like a one I would've flipped out. After getting an iv and some blood drawn it was time for the epidural at 2 pm. I was very nervous and even made Rhett stand in front of me so I could squeeze his hands. It was honestly not near as bad as I imagined. I don't think I even flinched at all during the process. After laying flat for a bit the nurse asked if I could feel the contraction. My response = What contraction??? Finaly some relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing to not have that stabbing achy pain on the right side of my back after 2 days worth. Now that I wasn't in pain I was hungry but since I wasn't allowed to eat I made do with 3 popsicles. At 3 pm Sylvia broke my water. She also checked me and I was dialated to a 5. At 6:30 the anesthesiologist came back and gave me a 2nd dose. My left side wasn't totally numb anymore and I was feeling quite a bit of pain. I was probably drivng my nurse crazy bc I couldn't get comfortable and kept moving around. Every time I would try to adjust myself the fetal monitor on my belly would get moved. After laying on my left side to distribute the medicine I had full relief again. At one point I got very sleepy and Rhett said my face was really shiny. The meds were really working! For the next few hours we just relaxed. I slept a little bit, watched t.v. and my Mom & sister came in for a visit. I wasn't checked again until 7 pm and I was at a 9/10. Immediately after Sylvia announced this I started feeling nausous. The feeling eventually passed and I didn't get sick. Two nurses came in and set up a table with different items needed for delivery time. Sylvia had 2 other Moms in labor so she was going back and forth between all of us. I ended up laying there until 9:30 pm and then tried pushing. After a couple times it was decided we needed to wait just a little while longer. By the time Sylvia was able to make it back to me to try pushing again it was 11:15 pm and I was ready. She was a busy bee with all her patients.

To Be Continued....

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2 weeks Already!!

It's crazy my little Lainey is already 2 weeks old. Ahhhhh where is the time going. Too fast is what I think. A lot has happened since we have been home. Rhett killed a deer so we had our 1st official hunting picture with Daddy. Another trip to church and several outings including Wal-Mart, drs office, Aunt Erin's house, and Lincoln Park to a football game. At the Drs. appt Lainey's weight was 7 lbs so at 10 days she had regained what she lost plus another ounce. Her head gained half an inch as well. I was very excited about the weight gain because that means our breastfeeding is going very well. She eats a lot and that is just great! She is still sleeping in the bassinet but today took a nap in the crib for the 1st time. I figured trying out the crib and monitor during the day is a good start for the both of us. I pretty much just sat and stared at the video monitor watching her wiggle squirm and sleep. We took our 1st walk on one of the nicer days this past week. It was just up & down the driveway but it was very nice. Those hills were a killer pushing a stroller! I gave Lainey her 1st real bath in the little tub we got. At first I thought I can't do this by myself I should just wait for Rhett to get home but then decided to just go for it. The worst that could happen is it could not go smoothly. I am happy and proud to say that it went extremely well. She never even made a peep. Just layed there in the sling happy as a clam. Now once we were finished and I was lotioning her up and dressing her she was fussing but not during the actual bath. We have decided to have the baptism on Thanksgiving Day at the convent. I am so excited about this. I think it is going to be just perfect. What better to give thanks for than our precious little girl. My sister Jaimee is the godmother and Jason our brother in law is the godfather. We had newborn pictures taken at Creative Bent. We did family pictures first so Rhett could head home once those were finished. But he didn't leave before Lainey decided to poop and pee all over our photographer. Bless Anna's heart because it was a massive mess all over her crotch. She was sitting on the floor holding Lainey and all of a sudden it was everywhere. We were all laughing so hard. I wish we could have gotten it on video. Definately a moment that will never be forgotten. Anna normally allows 4 hours for newborns and we ended up being there for 5! Once the family pics were done we had to take a nice long hour break for Lainey to eat and fall back asleep. It was so worth the wait. At one point I was seriously crying because of how sweet she looked. All nakey as a jay bird with a little bow on top of her head and positioned in a cute little pose. Love!!!!! I can not wait to see how they all turned out. I go tomorrow for the viewing. Overall I think I might be getting the hang of this Mom thing! Some days are easier and others are more exhausting but all I know is I have an easy going baby who is my little love bug!

They look pretty comfy!!

Here is the true test Who does she really look like?????

Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm a Mommy!!

Well we made it!!!!!!  Ms. Lainey Nicole Simpson was born on October 29, 2013 @ 12:29 am. She weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and 21" long. I was right about one thing on my predictions she sure is long. I could hardly believe it when they said the weight. I really thought I had an 8 pounder in there. All went well and Mom/Baby are doing great. I'm saving her complete birth story for another post. I have this urge to write everything down because I don't want to forget a single thing about my sweet girl. We celebrated our 1st Halloween by going to the Dr for a weight check & hospital for bilirubin check. Weight was 6 lbs 12 oz and bilirubin just fine. In the evening we went to Grandma Simpson's and Lainey met all 12 of her cousins. She slept the entire time through A LOT of noise. We've got a good sound sleeper! The first night at home was a bit rough on sleeping through the night. It was definately experimental trying to figure out what was going to work. My plan was to use the bassinet so we started out in our bedroom & eventually I moved it to the living room. We ended up going to bed at 5 am and I held her in my arms in the recliner. We finally got 3 hours of solid down time thank the lord. Friday was a low key day and we had some visitors in the evening. Our 2nd night of sleep went much better. She slept in the bassinet for consecutive hours with feedings in between. When we did wake up I just thought how lucky am I to be getting woken up to my sweet baby instead of the alarm going off for work. This past weekend would have been mine to work. Saturday we had our 1st outing to Alco & Lisa's to eat lunch. She was an angel and slept the entire time. Rhett & I both got fried chicken and it was sooo good. Aunt Jaimee & Grandma came over to visit in the evening. We worked on a diaper cake for a benefit for my co-worker Julie. They also spent the whole time posing Lainey and taking lots of pictures. No shortage of pictures of this child. Sunday we went to church and then ate at the wurstmart. Father Clyde addressed us in church and it was very sweet. He was speaking about how we are all sinners except for Lainey because she was only 6 days old. He also put her name in the gun raffle at the wurstmart. We got to see lots of family while eating and that was nice. My Aunt Kay and cousin Kim came to visit in the afternoon and brought very nice gifts. Thank You!!! We had our 1st diaper blowout already! I had just put jammies on, layed her down and noticed a small poop spot on the pants. It is amazing the little things that get me excited now. The one day I was having major anxiety because she didn't have a wet diaper for a long time. When her diaper was wet that evening I was crying like a lunatic. That was an emotional day between the drs visit and blood draw. I also watched a little video of my maternity pics that really got me going. Rhett has been extremely sweet with her. Last night he said "She already looks different. I don't want her to change." Ahhhh be still my heart! We love watching all the facial expressions she makes. I know people say babies don't smile or its gas or whatever. I don't care what anyone says! She smiles and it is absolutely the cutest thing ever when her dimple pops out on her right cheek. She also has a dimple in her little chin. The dogs are doing well with the new addition. Drake is def the most interested being extremely aware of her. When he comes inside the first thing he does is goes over to bassinet and pokes his nose over looking for her. Ammo & Dakota have given her a few kisses already but not near as interested. Breastfeeding is going well. It is a learning process but every day gets a little easier. Last night my Mom was holding her and she began to cry then I noticed I was leaking like crazy down my t-shirt. My reaction=me clapping and yelling with excitement. She got her 1st bath at home. Rhett & I gave it to her together. I was washing her up and all of a sudden she was peeing. You can totally see it in the picture he had taken. Haha!! Good one for the baby book. Lainey hiccups quite often. She also loves kicking her legs a lot like she is riding a bicycle. They are so long and skinny. I honestly think I could just sit and watch her sleep forever. Overall so far I feel that she is an easy going baby. She has already stolen our hearts completely!

Thank You to everyone who has brought us food, picked up items from the store, and helped us in any way in these first few days at home. We are so blessed with a fantastic family.

 Check out our sneak peek from Creative Bent