My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Belly Weeks 24 & 25

Belly Weeks 24 & 25
It's been a while so lets catch up! When I left off last time I was anticipating the furniture arrival for our sweet girl. It did come before time to head to work. My Mom & I eagerly tore the top of the box off just to see a small glimpse of the wood color. The reviews were definitely correct. Extremely well packaged and does not look any thing like the color online. It is even better!! The delivery men had asked if we had any deer sausage after seeing the mounts in our living room. Before they could sneak off after hauling in all 3 huge boxes I loaded them up with zucchini and deer jerky. They seemed quite happy! I hoped that Rhett would put the crib together while I was at work but knew he would be extremely busy all day working on our sidewalk project. When I left at noon he was sweating his butt off and when I got home at 9 pm he was still working on it. It changed drastically and looked great. It is still a work in progress but hopefully soon it will be finished up. Once I was home from work he asked if I wanted to bust everything out of the boxes. Heck YES!!! We spent several hours working on setting it all up. I think it was midnight by the time we finished. Thank you for being such an amazing husband!!!! Their was only a little cussing involved during the crib assembly. Our foyer was transformed into trash central. I'm still not sure if the set-up in the room will stay the same but for now it is fine.

 Ignore the huge mess on top of both dressers. I had to vaccum so all the goodies we have received had to be picked up.

My Mom recently had a dream that I delivered twin boys and she is the one who delivered them. Whoa momma! I thought I was the only one having crazy dreams. When looking through my stack of us pictures my sister found something interesting......PEANUT BUTER! Yes on the corner of 1 pic their was pb. Geeze Louise. I am such a mess!
 Still working out with Darla 1 x week but I always tire quite easily. The other day I would do some weights then break for a smoothie drink, do some more reps break for the potty, few more leg exercises break for more smoothie. Haha!! I am hungry nonstop and it is actually quite annoying. I got in a visit with my friend Lindsey's sweet Lucas. Adorable!!
I found out my cousin Kim is having a baby in early 2014 & my cousin Donald's girlfriend is also expecting in Sept of this year. Lots of babies!! So exciting! Soon it will be time for me to go register for my baby shower. The date is set for
Sunday Sept 8th 2013.
Rhett said he was willing to go along for the process of registering so that makes me so happy! He did not go to Bed Bath & Beyond for the bridal registry so it should be interesting. I look forward to him helping me pick out the big items  because I normally can't make a decision to save my life. I recently read the book "Pregnancy Sucks. What to do when your miracle makes you miserable." I already knew a lot of the information since I am 6 months along but I did learn some new stuff. If you are not pregnant and need some good birth control-my suggestion is read the book! I have said it before but saying it again..I am so blessed! This has been a great pregnancy journey with few complaints. I have picked out the bedding for our nursery. I just think it is soooo adorable! This was my original pick like 4 months ago way before we knew if it was a girl or boy. I plan to add splashes of purple throughout the room to girly it up. They have the cutest decals on ETSY.
My sister made the sweetest framed pictures for me to hang on the walls. On Etsy they were like $37 a piece. Her final price on concocting them was $35 total. She is AMAZING!!! Thank you Aunt Jaimee!
Since this was originally a wedding blog their will always be room for wedding talk. I still have never picked out what print I want to use for my 16x20. It is way too hard!!!! I narrowed it down to 5 and have now picked my top 3. I'm not going to say which 3 though. Check them out and lets hear the opinions!!! I may have to just let my photographer pick one and surprise me if I can't make a choice.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Belly Week 23

Belly Week 23 
Well this week started off a little unlike any other that I have had through this pregnancy journey. All I can say is holy smokes! 4th of July started off fine. I met up with Meghan, Jason, & Roxy and we headed to Steeleville for the 3K and parade. We planned on walking the route but while registering found out walking is not really encouraged for this particular event. WHAT!!!! Allie was also doing it with us. Instead of solely walking we decided to alternate with running/jogging. The temperature was warm but not blistering hot yet so that was good. It was pretty fun seeing people from work along the parade route. Meghan & Roxy veered off once we found Jason so they could all sit together. Allie & I finished at like 24 minutes. My goal was 1. to finish without passing out & 2. Not to be the very last person. Mission accomplished!!! I have been exercising throughout this whole pregnancy but more along the way of weights/strengthing/abs/walking. (not much running involved) Before I was pregnant I would run so I had no qualms about doing it that day. Let me tell ya though lil Belinda must not have liked all that bouncing around. Once we finished and the parade started my lower abd started feeling icky. The best way to describe it was a tight feeling. It never was an acutal pain but just extrememly uncomfortable. I'm sure having tight yoga pants on my waist didn't help at all. During most of the parade I layed on the ground hoping it might relieve some pressure. On the drive home I had to make Jason pull over so I could puke. I was so proud of the fact that this whole time I had not gotten sick once. Boo! I just overdid it and between the heat/exerting myself it did not go over well. Once I got home tried to rest before it was time to go into work at 4 pm. I never felt nausous again but that darn tightness did not want to go away. I apologize to any person who encountered myself in IGA before I was off to work. I know that I probably looked scary/zombie like. I prayed the whole drive to work that I would have a good night. Luckily my first patient was not until 7 pm so I had 3 hours at work before actually having to do something. Around 6:30 my abdomen stopped aching and I was able to eat something. It was not an instant relief but much more tolerable. I don't know what the heck that feeling was but I was HAPPY when it was gone. Honestly during the running/walking I felt fine but the after effects sucked a big one. I think I will stick to walking only from now until November. What a 4th of July!!

I spent the next 4 days relaxing and doing lots of nothing. Got a wonderful visit in with my friend Sarah & her sweet kiddos. Her newest bundle of joy Ms. Natalie was just so sweet. She slept the entire time I held her.

Had a good workout with Darla. Enjoyed family time and fireworks on Saturday at the Liefer household. Spent an entire day mowing grass & doing laundry. It was so hot while mowing had to take 3 different breaks. I was totally ok with multiple popsicle breaks. Sunday morning Rhett & I planned to go for breakfast when he was done loading hay for some people. We missed 8 church and around 1030 I decided that instead of eating out we should go to 11 service at the convent. Rhett finished up with the hay loading at around 1040. I mentioned it would be nice to head to church and he said oh we don't have enough time for that. 2 seconds later I burst into tears and he immediately says ok ok we can go to church. Whoa these crazy emotions!!!! Poor Rhett was hot/sweating like a pig and then he has to deal with a crazy crying wife. We booked it home to change clothes & clean up very quickly. Needless to say we were like 13 minutes late but we made it and that is what mattered. In the evening I got to spend some time with sweet Roxy while her Mommy & Daddy went for a motorcycle ride. Making cupcakes was quite interesting while entertaining a baby at the same time.

On Monday had a girls day with my Mom, sister, & cousins. We ate out at Imo's & had yummy cheesecake @ The Cheesecake Factory. I would like to get a Vera Bradley diaper bag so the goal for the day was to scope them out. We checked out a little shop in Kirkwood and went to the Galleria to the Vera Bradley store. In August an outlet is opening up so I plan to wait until then to acutally make a purchase. It was fun browsing and I got a much better idea of exactly what I want. Looking online is just not the same as in person. Here are my 2 favs. Ribbons & Plum Crazy!! Going to be hard to decide!!


 In the car I spouted off about 30 baby names and then had comments from the peanut gallery. Omygosh was it funny! Some names prompted people to start singing songs and others got ohhs & ahhs while some got ewwwww. It was so much fun. Overall what a wonderful day!
I finaly got all my weekly belly pictures printed out and updated my belly book. Amazing to look at week 3 compared to week 23. Big difference!! The baby furniture is getting delivered today so extremely excited about that. Just hoping it arrives in the next hour before I head to work otherwise I will be anxious ALL day to get home and see it.
Hope everyone has a lovely day!!!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Photogenic Girl

I just realized that I have never shared any of my ultrasound pictures.
My little girl is quite photogenic already!
Here is her first full photo session at week 20.
I have been checking out pinterest like crazy looking for fun cute poses for when the time comes for maternity pictures & for the newborn session. Just can not wait!!!! If little Belinda is born 1 week before or after October 31st she is coming home in a halloween costume. For sure!!
I think every single week just keeps going by faster & faster. I am still working out 1 x week with Darla. Last Fri I almost puked all over her floor though. Geeze Louise that feeling of being nausous-totally not used to that at all....I am thanking the Lord right now that I have been blessed with a wonderful pregnancy and not been sick. I was fine for the first half of workout while doing arm/ab exercises but then after 30 squats/leg movements I felt a tid bit sick. I think I even turned a little pale which is completely embarrasing. After drinking some spark and resting in front of the fan for a few minutes I was good as new. Even finished out my workout with some leg lifts. That evening I walked the 5K Fireman's Dash. Lots of fun with my nieces (Brooke & Tess)!! I was definitely exhausted when all was done. Since I had to get up dark & early (3 am) for work the next day we hightailed our butts outta there when the race was over.
Photo: Color Run 2013!
Me & my Momma!!
Still searching for that perfect name! The other night while laying in bed Rhett & I spent probably an hour just throwing them out there. Lots of fun but he was getting crazy with some of his suggestions. I know one day it will just come to both of us! My mom gave me a maternity shirt! I still don't need to wear it but it is super cute so I look forward to using it once my belly gets bigger and nothing fits! My sister hooked me up with more shoes and clothes including the cutest little dresses and a pair of baby yoga pants. ADORABLE!!
Getting so anxious for the furniture to come and get everything set up.
Here is a sneak peek at what I ordered.
The color is butternut but I think in every shot the wood looks different so I am assuming it is from angles/lighting that the pictures were taken. Not sure what that exact color will be but I will be totally ok with it as long as all 3 pices are the same. The crib is a convertible so it will turn into a toddler & full size bed as well. Who knows if we really need 2 dressers but I imagine more space is better than not enough.

4th of July is my holiday to work but then I have 4 days off so looking forward to that!!! Hope everyone has a great long weekend!