My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Happy 1/2 Birthday Everett Patrick!

Well it's hard to believe that 6 months have already flown by. Our little man is growing like crazy and recently he had his 1/2 birthday. Our little 6 lb 15 oz  newborn is now 18 lbs 5 oz  and 26.8" long. I looked back in the baby book just for fun to see what Lainey weighed and measured at 6 months. She was 15 lbs 5 oz and 27.5". She didn't weigh 18 lbs until 1 year old. We just started solid foods and so far he has enjoyed banana, avocado, carrots, apple, and sweet potato. I enjoy making my own baby food and am looking forward to giving him new things each week. It is so easy and really a lot of fun. I am not sure if we get more in his mouth or on his body but each time seems to get a little better. He is still nursing well and the plan is to continue until at least 1 year and after that we will see what happens. Pumping at work is almost a second job in its self but so worth it. I still have a decent amount in the deep freezer. He is still a bath lover and I just removed the sling from the baby tub. Now he loves sitting up while bathing and splashing like a wild man. We recently spent a weekend at a hotel with the entire (ALL 28 of us) Simpson family. Yes that number includes our soon to be born nephew. Soon Everett won't be the baby of the family but he will gain a cousin and future bff. During our family weekend their was lots of swimming and that included Everett's 1st swim. He seemed to enjoy it and I know Lainey sure did. Her first swim was also during our annual hotel weekend in 2014. We are rocking 9 month sleepers and still some 6-9 month clothes. I just brought all the 12 month clothing upstairs and have begun the task of switching out clothes in drawers. One thing this kid does not enjoy is getting his diaper changed. I can remember a time when his changing table was one of his favorite spots. Before he was so active he would smile and giggle laying there. Now he wriggles his body, screams, and attempts to knock over the wipe solution container every single time. It is quite a sight! I am still using cloth diapers and getting all those buttons snapped is a bit of a workout. Everett truly loves his big sister. She entertains him on a daily basis. We sure have a snuggly baby on our hands. He loves his fuzzy blankets or anything he can snuggle up to his face when time to sleep. His left thumb goes in his mouth-right hand grabs the blanket and out he goes. He also loves Mommy, Daddy, & Grandma snuggles. Surprisingly he sleeps pretty well in his crib but also enjoys all the other beds in our household. Sometimes I spend the evening playing musical beds between both kids waking up. Everett still wakes up several times a night but every once in a while I get lucky and he will do a 6 hour stretch. Typically his naps are 2-3 hours long and through the night he sleeps 3-4 hours at a time. One day this Momma will get a solid 8 hours of sleep. Future Goals!!  He has two little toothers on the bottom. They both popped though in the last week or so. Lainey also got her first two bottom teeth at 6 months so he is trying to keep up with big sis! He is on the move crawling everywhere, sits up on his own, trying to pull up on things, loves the puppy dogs, and enjoys climbing all over the tumbling mat. I have one of the happiest kiddos ever. He is always smiling. Everyone comments on how happy he is and that he has the longest eyelashes. A lot of people also comment that he looks just like Lainey. Overall he is a joy and just the sweetest baby. I was fortunate enough to get to spend 17 weeks home with him before going back to work full time.My hours at work have recently changed so I will now be home every evening. No more getting home at 9 pm or being away the entire weekend from my babies. This is a good change just a transition for our family! I know I have said it before but we are all so lucky and thankful that the kids get to stay with my Mom. She is the best Granny Nanny! We sure are enjoying this stage of life with our little guy!! Before you know it he will be running down the hallway chasing the dogs and talking up a storm. Slow down Life.

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