My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Peachy Kisses

31 Weeks
Baby girl tried peaches and squash and loved both. She better love peaches or I might not be able to claim her as my child. Extremely helpful when getting fed solids. Lainey likes to grab the spoon and help guide it to her mouth. Then usually she doesn't want to give up the spoon so normally we have 2. One to feed with and one to play with. Using a sippy cup for water like a pro. Went on first to library with Grandma Simpson while I worked out. Margaret said she was very observant during their walk. It used to be only the doggies could get Lainey to laugh now lots of giggles for Mommy & Daddy. Rhett can really get her going when he tosses her in air. I swear one morning she said Mama but it was 3 am so I may have been dreaming or hallucinating it. One evening Lainey did speak her first word but I'm not sure if we can actually count it.... The 3 of us are just hanging out in the living room. (Rhett in his recliner, me on couch, and Lainey standing between us) All of a sudden she awkwardly blurts out very loudly MIME. (pronunciation like the silent clowns with white faces) Yes my child's first word was mime. Not sure if she was trying to say Mom or mine. HAHA! I think I might wait to fill in the baby book on that one! Never the less it was quite random but amusing. We enjoyed a fun trip to the Rendezvous. I grew up in Rocher so as a kid we always attended this event. This is an extremely busy time of year for Rhett with work but this particular week on Monday he announced we were having a family day. This is a rare but welcome occurrence. We went to South County to eat out at Shoguns and also went to the taxidermist shop. Last time there I was in my last weeks of pregnancy. Boy was this trip different. Lainey of course did not want to sit in the high chair and thoroughly enjoyed the game of throw everything on the ground over and over. The joys of eating out with children!!! This week started making a snorting noise and loves making fart noises by blowing on people's arms/legs. When we say give us kisses Lainey will open her mouth and lean in for a kiss. Melt my heart!!!!!

Loving on Auntie Jaimee
 32 Weeks
Celebrated Rhett's first Father's Day! Even though it was a week late I made him this video. It wasn't much of a day considering I was at work until 4 pm and then he hauled hay all evening but that's just the way it goes sometimes. For our gift put Lainey's footprint on a canvas and made it into a tractor picture. I honestly knew before she was even born that I was going to do this on Father's Day. It turned out soooo cute. I left it on the counter so when Rhett woke up it was waiting for him. He said it was adorable. In 13 years of being together don't think I've ever heard him use that word to describe anything. *Daddy's little Girl* The obsession with plastic bags or anything plastic is just a little scary. Any and everything goes in this child's mouth. Still sucking on her 3rd and 4th left fingers often. (more when sleepy) Also obsessed with shoes which is probably one of the grossest things that could go in a mouth. My Mom took Lainey for a visit to her Mom's house. She got to meet Great Uncle Tom Shinabargar (he lives in Minnesota). Great Grandma sent home a little rocking horse that has probably been at her house forever. Thanks Grandma!! Lainey looks like a cheerleader in her new sitting pose lately. She tucks her little legs underneath her. So sweet. Following in Mommy's footsteps already! I'm already envisioning the high ponytails with bows and French braiding her hair. One evening when I came home from work their was a surprise waiting for me in Lainey's room. Rhett & my Mom had moved the crib down to its lowest position and removed the mobile. My sister said it looks like a little jail. The good thing is if I have to run downstairs to switch laundry I can put her in crib now for a few minutes and not worry she will fall out. Bad thing is my arms are short so putting her in crib after she has fallen asleep ( and keeping her asleep) can be a bit of a challenge. I think the first few days I felt like I was tossing her in but now weeks later we don't have any issues.

33 Weeks
This week was busy. Lainey took 6 steps-new record. New food-baby spinach. I started getting outfits together for 8 month photo session. Holy crap 8 months!!!!! It seems like we were just getting her 4 month photos taken. Good luck Anna because this little bug doesn't sit still. Rhett has a pair of cowboy boots from when he was a baby and planning for her to wear them. They were a gift from his Grandma & Grandpa Jefferson. Went for our first summer swim in the lake with Roxy & Meghan. I think it took longer to prepare than we actually swam! Aunt Jaimee came down for a visit with souvenirs from her Florida vacation. She even joined me for my workout session with Brandy. Lainey did so good playing during our session. I had to do a few arm exercises with her hanging on my leg but hey it worked! I truly appreciate Darla letting me bring her along for my workouts. I usually don't because besides work it is my only time for myself but both Grandma's were busy. Allie, Avrie, Lainey, and I went for a visit to Alicia's house to meet Baby Asher. She was of course adorable and sooo tiny. We had a wonderful visit. Loved holding a tiny baby again! Great Aunt Nancy gave us a huge pile of fake food and Lainey is in heaven. Her favorites are the slice of cheese and corn on the cob. She is most definitely my child! That piece of cheese is so real looking and she crawls around with it in her mouth constantly. She tries taking bites out of it too. I'm afraid one of these days she is really going to get a chunk. Really doing well with balance and taking steps more and more each day. So close to being able to stand up without holding onto anything. My Mom swears she did it twice but I have to see it to believe it. Mommy Denial! On Saturday evening we went to dinner at Reid's in Chester. It was quite the eventful trip. Lainey got a nice big handful of my salad and attempted to eat that. After her toys, a spoon, and two straws were not enough to occupy her any longer I handed her a sugar packet. Lord knows what I was thinking, I should've known better. Immediately Rhett says "seriously a sugar packet". Before I could even attempt to take it away she rips it open with her mouth and sugar goes flying through the air everywhere. The Mother of a family sitting a few tables over was dying laughing and reenacting the whole episode. I really didn't think she would get it open and definitely not that quickly. Finally I ended up giving her a butter container in hopes that her two tiny teeth couldn't puncture the foil covering on it. I'm so happy we could give that family of 6 a good laugh. It probably made the Mom & Dad reminisce back to their days of babies. The youngest of their 4 children being well past that stage!

Our Baby Girls!!!


  1. Aw, I love the tractor picture! Isn't it so fun to imagine things you'll do with your baby and then you actually get to do them?? Haha. That's been the best part of parenting so far. Watching babies grow and do new things is the best!

  2. Yes Adrien I agree it is so fun doing things I've dreamed of for years! Every step and stage just amazes me more and more. I love it all!!!!
