My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2 weeks Already!!

It's crazy my little Lainey is already 2 weeks old. Ahhhhh where is the time going. Too fast is what I think. A lot has happened since we have been home. Rhett killed a deer so we had our 1st official hunting picture with Daddy. Another trip to church and several outings including Wal-Mart, drs office, Aunt Erin's house, and Lincoln Park to a football game. At the Drs. appt Lainey's weight was 7 lbs so at 10 days she had regained what she lost plus another ounce. Her head gained half an inch as well. I was very excited about the weight gain because that means our breastfeeding is going very well. She eats a lot and that is just great! She is still sleeping in the bassinet but today took a nap in the crib for the 1st time. I figured trying out the crib and monitor during the day is a good start for the both of us. I pretty much just sat and stared at the video monitor watching her wiggle squirm and sleep. We took our 1st walk on one of the nicer days this past week. It was just up & down the driveway but it was very nice. Those hills were a killer pushing a stroller! I gave Lainey her 1st real bath in the little tub we got. At first I thought I can't do this by myself I should just wait for Rhett to get home but then decided to just go for it. The worst that could happen is it could not go smoothly. I am happy and proud to say that it went extremely well. She never even made a peep. Just layed there in the sling happy as a clam. Now once we were finished and I was lotioning her up and dressing her she was fussing but not during the actual bath. We have decided to have the baptism on Thanksgiving Day at the convent. I am so excited about this. I think it is going to be just perfect. What better to give thanks for than our precious little girl. My sister Jaimee is the godmother and Jason our brother in law is the godfather. We had newborn pictures taken at Creative Bent. We did family pictures first so Rhett could head home once those were finished. But he didn't leave before Lainey decided to poop and pee all over our photographer. Bless Anna's heart because it was a massive mess all over her crotch. She was sitting on the floor holding Lainey and all of a sudden it was everywhere. We were all laughing so hard. I wish we could have gotten it on video. Definately a moment that will never be forgotten. Anna normally allows 4 hours for newborns and we ended up being there for 5! Once the family pics were done we had to take a nice long hour break for Lainey to eat and fall back asleep. It was so worth the wait. At one point I was seriously crying because of how sweet she looked. All nakey as a jay bird with a little bow on top of her head and positioned in a cute little pose. Love!!!!! I can not wait to see how they all turned out. I go tomorrow for the viewing. Overall I think I might be getting the hang of this Mom thing! Some days are easier and others are more exhausting but all I know is I have an easy going baby who is my little love bug!

They look pretty comfy!!

Here is the true test Who does she really look like?????


  1. She is so gorgeous! I'm glad that breastfeeding is going so well for you - and it only gets easier as you go. :) I can see both of you in her, but I hafta say…she really favors The Simpsons in many ways. Can't deny her daddy! :D

  2. Thank You Adrien! I figured if I had any breastfeeding questions I could always shoot you a message too!!! Some days are still challenging but it is getting easier
