My Baby Girl

My Baby Girl

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Good News Galore

 I have mentioned in the past about the color run 5K I was going to attend in Chicago. Well it ends up I am unable to attend it at the end of the month but on Friday I got some awesome news!! The Color Run is officially coming to St. Louis. Yay!!!!!!! I literally was jumping up & down screaming at work when I got the text. I think my boss thought I was a lunatic. I am beyond so happy & excited. It is August 18th and I am off that weekend which makes this chick even happier. 

Then at the end of my work day I got even more exciting news! My sister got a new job and it is in Edwardsville. She texted me and said to call her when I got a chance (2 exclamation points) I just knew exactly what she was going to tell me!!!!! Yay!!!!!! So excited again this time I was seriously crying. She is going to be much closer which makes me very happy. I am so proud of her because she is an amazing person & teacher.

I also have some new wedding goodies to show off. 
Erin helped me out with my unity candle & it turned out great. 
The lace on it is from my grandma's house which makes it even more special. 
My pew bow for the church which Britney from Creative Concepts made. Still trying to decide if I like the thing in the middle....any thoughts
My beautiful ring bearer pillow that my friend/co-worker Vickie made for Jake to carry. She is also making my garters can't wait to see them!

That's all for now I am running on fumes from lack of sleep all weekend. Have a great & blessed day!

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